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Alexa's POV:

What the heck! It's Monday again and I need to go school again. I hate school when am I gonna get rid of it. Damn!
After cursing school for sometime I took a quick shower and went down for breakfast. Mia was already on the table I guess waiting for me....
"Hola Mimi.""Good morning charls."
"Good morning dear." Charlie replied sweetly.
"Lex I hope you remember that we need to go and take auditions today.?" Mia reminded me.
"Oh shit.. ."I cursed."Language Alexa." Charlie scolded.
"Sorry charls.""I almost forgot about it." Mia said,"I knew it! 50 bucks....Charlie I told you. Now I won the bet .....50 bucks!50 bucks!"Mia chanted cheerfully.
"Seriously you guys made a bet on it!seriously. "
Mia replied laughing,"Yes we did cause I knew you'll forget."
"Whatever Mia let's go."

Ok so like every year Mia is the dance captain and I am her assistant so to make our team we need to take auditions today which can be a headache sometime cause people come for auditions without even knowing 'd' of dance. Anyways I love dancing so it doesn't matter for a fact.

So here we are finally to hell. Well school. Rest of the day was pretty usual like boring lectures then in lunch we hangout with Lina and met a new girl named Laura. She is basically Lina's bestfriend. She is polite and stuff but something is off her I don't know exactly what but I don't like her that much.

So finally it's time to go to studio. Mia and I started to make our way towards studio when sudden realisation hit me hard. "Miaaaa I left my phone in the locker I'll get it back!"
"Lexx we are getting late."Mia said in annoyed tone.
"Ok Mimi you go ahead I'll follow you there."
I left for my locker. I quickly went to my locker grabbed my phone made my way back to studio. But to reach the studio we need to cross one road and let me tell you I have great difficulty in crossing road. So here I am standing and try to cross road which I'm just trying. Whenever I take a step ahead there's some vehicle passing by and when I take it back the road is all cleared. Ugh I hate this.

Suddenly someone took my hand and guided me. When I looked up the person was none other than Kevin. I'm impressed other than laughing like everyone do he actually helped me. You can say I have dromophobia and no one knows about it except Mia. I was so busy checking him that he caught me.
"Take a picture Miss.Stone it will last longer."He replied with a smirk.
I'm speechless right now.
"You don't know to cross a road?"
"Trust me, I don't "I said truthfully.
"Ok then I'll teach you and if I'm not wrong you don't know to drive right?"He questioned.
"Yeah I admit I don't know to drive and I don't want you to teach me."
"Bye the way where are you going Miss.Stone?"
"I am going to take auditions for dance team well Mia is the captain and I assist her."
"Oh cool even I'm going there."
"For audition,I'm gonna enjoy trying you out then."
He laughed. Did I say something wrong. Oh I surely did said something wrong. This is getting awkward.
"Trust me Alexa you'll really love trying me."he said coming near my right ear. Sending shivers to my spine.
"I don't mean it that way."I replied.
"Whatever helps you sleep tonight Miss.Stone."

Finally we are her in studios. I was never so happy to see Mia before. Ok so auditions were kinda fun and then our dance teacher gave a task to Mia which is teaching Andrew to dance. He's been failing dance.
"Mimi gonna teach lover boy to dance aha."I teased Mia.
"Shut up Lex."
We also met a girl called Sheryl back at auditions. She is friendly but Mia doesn't like her much.

Kevin,"You girls wanna grab some McDonald's with us and then head home."
"Who can say no to McDonald's. "I replied.
Andrew, "Then we consider it as yes."
Mia replied,"Yess!"

We all went to McDonald's and ordered our food. And were waiting for our food. Mia and Andrew already look so comfortable.
I said teasing them,"Mia and Andrew kiss  already. Seriously."
Mia blushed and laughed and continued by giving me death glares. Everyone of us were laughing.
Kevin,"So true I agree with Alexa."
Andrew,"Why won't you agree with Alexa.?Right kevin"
Ok now I wanna change the topic.
"So how did you guys became bestfriends?" I asked the boys.
Mia,"Don't try to change the subject Alexa. I know you very well."
Now the embarrassment is all coming to me and Kevin. Oh my god these people.  Finally the food was here to save all of us. We kept on eating while talking about random stuff.
After eating we decided that I and Kevin will go in Kevin's car and Mia and Andrew are going in Mia's car.

Silenced filled the car though it was comfortable one I don't really like silence so I started a conversation.
"So you indeed are a good dancer Kevin."
"Oh I love dancing after all."he said.
"Alexa do wanna hangout at bowling club on Saturday and Mia and Andrew will also join. Well Andrew is gonna ask Mia now."
"Ok I'll come."
"Do you think your bestfriend is serious about my bestfriend cause if he's not then I kill him."I said.
"He has never been more serious about any girl the way he is with Mia."
"He better be."I said.
After we reached home we bid our neighbours farewell and jumped on our couch. This way our Monday ends.


Hey readers,
Hope you enjoy this chapter.
Take care
See ya💫

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