......more than just a broke nose

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Mia's POV
"I can't believe he did that to me!" Lex said while crying.
It really breaks my heart to see how people can be in love one day and then the next thing you know they don't feel the same way anymore.
It doesn't make any sense!!!

Seeing her cry Lina also started to tear up.
"He is such a jerk!" she said while wiping her eyes.
Sheryl gave her the look that meant-this was going to happen one day.
While Laura was staring into space.
I one the other hand wanted to just beat the shit out of him.
If he wanted to break up why didn't he just say it instead going of going cheating behind her back.

I quickly stormed out of the room and went to search Kevin.
I saw Kevin and Andrew in their room doing nothing just staring into space.
I quickly made my way towards Kevin and punched him in the face and before I could land another punch Andrew held my hands.
If you haven't figured it out yet I have major anger issues and I solve them by beating the person.

"Don't touch me." I said to Andrew while Kevin was groaning in pain.
Do I regret it.
Hell Nahh!!! That bastard had it coming.
"Just listen to him." Andrew said.
I glared at him and tried to free my hands but his grip was only increasing.
"No! You both listen to me. Kevin just stay the hell out of Alexa's way and Andrew leave my hands!" I said loudly.
Andrew flinched at my harsh tone but said nothing and left my hands.
"Mia-" Kevin started but I cut him off by putting my right hand up.
"Save it." I said and left their room but Andrew came behind me.
"Mia wait just listen to me." he said but I ignored him.
He came in front of me and trapped me in between the wall and him.
"Just leave me alone." I said.
"But you can't just assume things." he said.
"I am not assuming anything." I said.
"It's not what it looks like." he said desperately trying to convince me.
"I know he is your best friend but so is Alexa to me so if you'll excuse me I have to be somewhere else." I said.
"But you can't ignore me." he said.
"Of course I can!" I said.
"just leave me alone." I said and walked towards my room where everyone was there.
Oh but there is something else I need to do first.
I quickly made my way to the third floor and knocked on the door.
A man opened the door and checked me out.
I made a disgusted face.
Another one of her man whore.
"Who is it babe." an annoying voice came from behind him.
Then she finally came into my view in a bath robe.
When her gaze landed on me she smirked. The AUDACITY of this girl.
I smiled innocently before curling my fist tightly and with full force I punched her on the nose and the result was the cracking of her nose.
She yelped in pain while catching her nose.
"You bitch it's not like I kissed your man!" she squeaked.
"Honey if you would've even dared to look at my man you would've gotten more than just a broken nose." I left Cassandra's room with her man's jaw on the floor

I quickly opened the door and saw everyone was excatly the way they were before.
Everybody looked at me already suspecting something and I smiled sheepishly at them.
"What did you do now?" Lina asked sighing.
"Nothing." I quickly blurted out.
Everybody narrowed their eyes at me and I sighed.
"Okay I may have cause a damage to a nose and broke a nose." I said shrugging.
"What!" everybody yelled in unison.
Then I told them everything.
Everybody looked at me in disbelief.
"What about Andrew? He didn't do anything wrong." Lex said while sniffing and stuffing her face with ice cream.
I sighed and shook my head at this she again started crying.
"It's all because of me that you guys are fighting." she said.
"No Lex." I said.

We ended up watching different movies.
It was currently three am and I couldn't sleep so I went outside but as you all know how scared I am. I was constantly looking everywhere.

When I was about to step outside when someone's shadow crossed mine and I was about to scream when that thing placed a hand on my mouth.
That's it I will die like this where no one can hear me.
The person turned me around and then I breathed a sigh of relief.
It was Andrew and then I quickly pushed him away.
I started to walk away when he held my hands and lead me somewhere else.
It was an open space and I could see the moon shining calming me instantly.
"Why are you ignoring me." he said.
"because I want to." I simply stated.
"but I can't." he said slowly.
"you can't what?" I asked.
"I can't see you ignore me like this." he said.
"You don't understand how important for me it is to help Alexa." I said.
"I do. But you can't ignore me." he said.
I looked at him and saw he was already looking at me.
"It's not my fault that your friend cheated on my friend." I said.
"But you didn't even heard his side of story. I know Kevin since I was born. Alexa is the first girl he has considered to date. He can never do something to hurt her. He just went there to find me and suddenly was pulled in by Sheryl's cousin and that's when Alexa saw him. As soon as he realized what was happening he pulled away and told Sheryl's cousin to stay away from him. He would never kiss a girl if he is already committed. Just atleast tell Alexa to listen to him." he said with sincerity.
I nodded at him and then he pulled me in for a hug.

Heylo loveliess
Hope you enjoyed the chap
I hope you all stick for your bestfriends.
Love you all

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