Jealousy is an insecure trait.

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Mia's POV

The next I knew he went out of the door with his fingers curled into a fist so tightly that his knuckles were literally turning white. I looked at Lex and saw her looking at Kevin with a sheepish smile. When she turned to look at me I gave her the need-to-go-behind-them look. 

So we both got up and first glared at Peter and Alex and then sprinted towards them. Alexa behind Kevin and I behind Andrew. 

"Drew wait!!" I yelled loudly. 

When I finally caught up to him he opened his bedroom door and quickly pulled me inside and trapped me in between the door and him. He had his hands on the either side of of me trapping me in.

"Who was he?" he asked slowly leaning in and even if I have kissed me before it was just once and having him this close to me still makes me feel a kind of way. 

"H-He is-" I stuttered like baby. Okay breathe in and slowly exhale.

"He is?" he raised his eyebrow.

"Are you jealous." I asked raising my eyebrow at him.

Instantly his face went red and he straightened himself a little bit but still didn't remove his hands. 

"Yes! But that doesn't matter what matters is who was he." He asked again leaning in. 

"Jealously is an insecure trait." I said simply.

"What if he charmed you or something. What would I do." He said sincerely.

At this I started laughing like a maniac. Alex. Charming. That too to me. I laughed harder at this and I sobered up when I saw him getting annoyed.

"You don't need to worry about him. He is my enemy since childhood." I said.

"Who even is would you like to explain." He said getting annoyed by every passing second.


"What is it that is good for me and bad for you." Lex asked while sitting on the couch.

"Alex and Peter are coming." I said with a sigh.

"What are you kidding me! My cousins are coming? What? When?" she asked a little excited.

"Today in a little while." I said while plopping down on the sofa.

Yup the most annoying little creatures are going to coming to stay with us for a little while.

Lex loves them and I despise them. We were really small when we all went to the park and I broke into a fight with Alex. He started irritating me and of course me being me couldn't control my anger and lunged at him with my words. And when I was fourteen or something he asked Lex if I had a boyfriend. Apparently according to him I was lying to Lex. Yeah like that is ever going to happen. So of course I threatened him that is doesn't stop this bullshit then I would feed him to my pet tiger. Typical me.

After two hours the goons arrived and Lex instantly jumped into their arms and I welcomed them with my middle finger raised high up. 

"Aww Mia I missed you too." Alex said smirking at me.

I stuck my tongue out at him. Real matured move.

So I went upstairs into my room and locked myself in.

I can't believe they are going to stay with us for a whole damn week.

Ughhhh. I screamed in my pillow.

There was a loud banging on my door and I instantly knew who the jerk was. Angrily stomping my foot on the ground I opened my door.

"Dramatic much." He said while chuckling.

"Shut up." I hissed angrily.

"Still don't like me?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"What do you want?." I asked ignoring his previous question.

"Come downstairs we are going have some fun." He said smiling.

"Fun? more like torture. and no I am not coming." I stated simply.

Before I could shut my door he grabbed my foot and pulled me. I landed on my butt.

"What the actual fuck your'e doing Alex." I yelled loudly while trying to free my self.

He said nothing but dragged me and when the stairs came he looked at me and smirked. Oh no.

"Okay wait! I'll come. First let me get up." I said and he let go of my feet I was on my fours and I quickly tried to run like a cat but he grabbed me by my waist and carried me downstairs and I was yelling loudly and punching him. But to no avail.

He threw me on the couch and I saw Lex was comfortably sitting next to Peter and laughing.

Alex sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder I quickly swat his arm away. He chuckled at my reaction.

"You know I can still feed you to my pet tiger." I said angrily like a four year old kid who did not get what he wanted. He chuckled at me.

I was about to get up when he again pulled me down and held me captive by putting his arms around my shoulders.

"Do you have a boyfriend now?" He asked smirking.

"None of your fucking business." I hissed angrily.

And of course being the annoying brat he was he started tickling me.

I started laughing hysterically. 

That's when the door flew open since nor Kevin or Andrew had the manners to ring the bell.

They both stared at us in pure state of shock.

Since Alex still had his fingers around my sides and Lex was comfortably sitting next to Peter.

Alex and Peter were staring at both of them in confusion.

*end of flashback

 "So they are brothers of Alexa." He asked.

"Yup" I said popping the'p'.

"And you hate them both." He asked again.

"Yes Drew." I said while containing my laughter.

He let out a sigh of relief and I started laughing.


Heylo Lovely ghost readers.

hope this chapter was enjoyable.

Love you'll 


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