I never run into Jack Avery!

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Mia's POV

"12!! In the afternoon!?!?" is he crack addict or something?" I say confused.

So we are currently on the first stage of getting ready. You know talking to your best friend about what you're going to do and how you're going to do it. 

"So what do you think about me going on a date with him?" She asks a little nervous.

"Since the start i've been shipping Alvin." I said smiling.

"Oh and also if does anything I will surely cut his balls and feed it to my pet tiger." I said smiling innocently.

"First, you don't have a pet tiger-" She started talking but I cut her off.

"You don't need to worry about the tiger as soon you go I'll buy one and I'm sure Drew will love it. He wants a pet anyways." I say.

After a little more talking I told her to get ready. He said comfortable so Alexa is good in the comfortable department so she can pick her own dress and where the makeup and hair is concerned I'm right here.

 He said comfortable so Alexa is good in the comfortable department so she can pick her own dress and where the makeup and hair is concerned I'm right here

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After selecting her outfit I did her makeup which was natural and minimal. Her hair had natural curls so it left untouched just a side partition was needed. 

"Your first ever official date. Oh my god my baby is all grown up." I said while wiping a fake tear.

At exactly 12 the bell rang and went I quickly made my way downstairs. 

"Is she ready." was his first question when I opened the door.

"Hello to you to Kevin." I said sarcastically.

"Oh Hi Mia. Andrew's still sleeping." He said.

"Do you know I have a pet tiger." I said.

"Ummm... Okay and?" He said a little confused.

"So I can always harvest your nuts and feed it to him and then it will be my fault that you won't be having any children or for that matter a girlfriend or a wife." I said sweetly.

His face visibly paled probably imagining the whole situation.

"Okay got the point. You are scary and not to mess with you." He said while nodding his head.

"Also remember Alexa is my best friend so a single word about you from her will leave you with no children and yes she is ready." I said smiling innocently.

"Okay enough talking and mimi thank you for your patience." Lex said while coming down.

At her voice Kevin's face lit up. Okay someone is whipped.

"Whipped." I said in his ears. To which he glared at me.

"Okay so can I go mimi." She asked.

"You certainly can and remember I'm just 18." I said.

"So.....??" She asked a little confused.

"I don't want to be an aunt this early. Duhhh.." I said.

Lex face was a tomato and Kevin smirked at her.

"Okay bye." She said quickly while running out.

"And remember jerk face I have a pet tiger." I yelled loudly while waving at them.

After both of them went I decided to do a little dance practice of my own. I always dance it helps me to keep in shape.  

I was getting bored so I decided to call Lina and others to hangout since Drew was sleeping.

All of them agreed and said they will be here in ten minutes.

"Hellooooss Mia." Lina said cheerfully.

After few minutes Laura and Sheryl where also here.

"So what's up everybody." I asked them as I sat on the couch.

But instead of answering me everybody went straight to the kitchen. Girls.

After picking whatever they wanted to eat everybody sat on the couch in the most comfortable position they could think of. 

"So anybody finding someone interesting." I asked while looking at everybody and instantly Lina's face heated up.

"Who is it Lina? Do we know him?" I asked her.

"OOOOooo" Laura and Sheryl hooted like the animals they were.

"Umm..It's no one." She said.

"But your face says otherwise." Sheryl said while smirking at her.

"He's from our dance group." She said smiling.

"He is from our group. Wow such a small world we live in." Laura said.

"And yet I never run into Jack Avery!" I said.

"Who is it." Sheryl asked getting a little impatient.

"Paul." She said smiling probably imagining him.

"That annoying brat! I mean he is nice and all but why can't he stop scaring me. Oh and also if you both start dating tell him to leave me and my fear of ghost alone." I said.

"We are not dating." She said.

But I ship Paulina and whoever I ship they end up dating." I say as a matter of fact.

"Okay if that happens then ship me with Zayn Malik." Sheryl yelled loudly.

"I think he is taken." I said. 

"So are you going to ask him out." I said.

"What!?!?! Nope. You know how much of a coward I am. I'll probably die out of the anxiety that'll come to me." She said.

"Okay whatever but make sure you tell him before he finds someone else." Laura said.

"Anyways let's all watch a movie." I said out loud.


Heylo Lovely folks.

Hope you  all enjoyed this chap.

Love you all.


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