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Alexa POV:
Finally it's Monday and Mia is transferring today. I'm bidding farewell to my nerd clothes.(Picture above)

We finally arrived to school in Mia's car cause I don't know to drive. Yeah I know I'm awesome. We went inside and here we go with crazy stares and glares from everyone.
We made our way to my locker and then we took keys of Mia' s locker which is near boys locker's.

We finally reached her locker and started unpacking her stuff. Her locker is beside Andrew's Locker. Damn!

Andrew,"Hello neighbours! "  I rolled my eyes but Mia gave a little smile. I gave her a questioning look but she just waved it off.  

Kevin fired, "Oh how did the nerd change so much in just a weekend."
And I back fired,"And why does so called 'popular' guy interested in a nerd." With this we started walking  towards class but before that I kicked this prankster's leg hard enough to make him fall and everyone burst into fits of laughter.

We made our way to the Class and sat on the last bench.
Mia,"why is everyone staring us like we are freaking monster?" "I don't know Mi I think cause you are new and I Changed."
We sat and Mr.Sur entered the Class and even got shocked.
"Oh my god Alexa you on the last bench. I can't believe my eye's."
I replied,"Oh Mr.Sur now you will always see me here cause this is what I am and I think I was loud enough for everyone."
Mr.Sur still shocked,"Ok this must be because of Miss.Mia Rose. Please come in front and introduce yourself"
Mia went in the front very boldly and said,"I am Mia Rose and please anybody don't mess with me cause I'm  really good at savage comments and also fighting. I hope you get my message."
I clapped for my bestfriend's awesome intro and someone whistled,  none other then Andrew Silver.

Mia joined me back and rest of the lectures went pretty boring and unbearable. It's finally lunch now.
I and Mia made our way to an empty table for lunch and Lina just came and sat next to me. "Hey Alexa and Mia I hope you don't mind me sitting here." Ok she is Head cheerleader but unlike cheerleader reputation she is very kind and humble.
Mia,"Yeah sure. More the merrier and your good name?" Lina," Oh yeah I'm Lina head cheerleader but don't judge me with my position. Though I'm a spoiled child but I'm not a slut you get what I mean."

I replied, "Lina trust me we don't judge people like this we got better work to do."
Lina,"Cool can we be friends?" I and Mia responded in Unision, "Yeah absolutely "
"Ok then I'm hosting a party at my place on Friday so please join me there I would love to know you girls more." Mia just said casually," Ok yeah let's exchange numbers. What are we waiting for? Christmas."
We all laughed on her nonsense and exchanged our numbers.
After Lina left Kevin and Andrew approached us.
Andrew started a conversation, "Hello! Neighbours " Mia retorted ," You know we have a name."
Andrew,"Ok hello Mia and Alexa we are just here to tell you that Alexa it is one on one now. Kevin tripped you and you tripped him so let's get along and just leave the things in past."

I rolled my eyes and said,"Oh Andrew I don't have any problem with this idea of yours but don't you think your bestfriend should speak for himself. "

Kevin said ,"Alexa I'm sorry I just wanted to make you spill that you are not a nerd and"
"I um what Kevin?"
Mia ,"Ok Alexa let's go back to class and nice to meet you Andrew and Kevin you stay away from my bestfriend. "
Andrew winked at her and we left.
Rest of the day flew by and we finally made our way home.
"You know Alex it was a long day." Mia said falling on the couch and I next to her,"Yes Mia it was indeed a long day."

After taking a shower and having wonderful dinner made by none other  than Charlie we made our way to living area and decided to watch a horror movie.
And when I mean horror movie I and Mia are so ridiculous that we are scarred of horror but we land on watching horror.
She pulled my hair while screaming and I almost dugged  my nails in her hand.
After two hours of fighting each other while watching that horror movie we were so scarred that we landed on sleeping on the couch. Cause we were scarred to go upstairs in our room.

This is why I say Mia makes me feel complete cause has the same insanity level as mine.
We can be weird to intelligent in a few seconds and from serious to sarcastic in a minute. It's really difficult to define our friendship.
But the thing is today was the day I spent well with her, excluding that argument with Kevin.
Good night Alexa!
Soon sleep overtook me.


Hey Readers,
I hope you like this chapter and feel free to point out my mistakes.
Do vote and comment.
And My bestfriend who is writing Mia's POV finally made her wattpad account so please go follow her.
Love you guys💕
See yaa💫

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