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Alexa's POV:

So it's finally Mia's date.........Today I'm so damn happy. And she said yes to Andrew that means she really like that guy. Usually she declines every date proposals. Both of them look perfect together I adore them. So here we are in Mia' s room searching for something she can wear and we finally landed on a black dress.

 So here we are in Mia' s room searching for something she can wear and we finally landed on a black dress

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She did her own makeup cause she is pretty good at it. I helped her to curl her hair and put eye liner. Then someone knocked on the door.
"Oh I think lover boi is here."

We came down to find Andrew with a bouquet of flowers and even Kevin was here. What is he doing here. Is he third wheeling. I'll kill him if he do so.
"Oh rosses for peaches and I thought you'll bring peaches instead."I teased Andrew.
"Oh I was looking forward to them but settled on roses. "He replied.
"Ok go ahead people. What you guys waiting for ? Christmas. "I said.
"Shut up Lex. "Mia said blushing a little.
"Whatever Mimi enjoy!"
Then they left without a word. I think they were embarrassed because of my teasing. I turned my attention to Kevin and asked him the obvious question I should, "What are you doing here Mr.Kent? "
"Oh my bestfriend ditched me with your bestfriend tonight so I thought I'll trouble you. "He replied.
"If you don't have any work to do then clean my room. "I teased.
"Oh Alexa do you wanna come for a walk?" He asked annoyed from me.
"Uh yeah. Now you are on the point."I said ruffling his hair and he gave me an annoyed expression. I couldn't control but laugh.
"Ok let me grab my jacket."I said.
I went up and grabbed my denim jacket. I checked myself in the mirror to make sure I don't look uglierthan I am.

 I checked myself in the mirror to make sure I don't look uglierthan I am

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(This is what Alexa's wearing.)
I made my way downstairs. To find Mr.Kent munching cookies. This boy is a dog not like I don't eat that much but still.
"Let's go Mr.kent."I said.
Before I leave I informed Charlie that I'm out or she'll worry too much.
We made our way outside and my hands were in my pocket and I was enjoying the cool breeze of air passing by. Silence filled in between us but it was a comfortable silence.
He finally spoke breaking the silence.,"Nature is so refreshing, isn't it?"He asked.
"Indeed is. It can comfort you more than anyone else."I replied .
"I wanna take you somewhere  will come with me."He asked.
"Now?"I asked.
"Are you planning to kill me or something? "I asked.
"I would have done that long time ago . Come on Lex."he said.
"I'll come but don't call me Lex. Only Mia can call me that. "
"Oh ok."
We took his car cause I don't know to drive so I don't have a car.
"Why don't you learn to drive?"He asked.
"Are we playing 20 questions again."I replied.
"This is not the answer to my question babe."
"Well Mia and David tried to teach me but it was a big fail."I replied truthfully.
"Who's David?"He asked while his grip tightened on the starring wheel.
"Oh he's my brother. "I replied casually.
"You have a brother. Then why don't he lives with you guys?"
"Yeah I have a younger brother 2 years younger then me and he wants some kind of privacy. I mean he says so."I replied
He laughed and continued driving and I blasted music.
He parked near a small ice cream parlour.
"Oh so you took me to have ice cream. You could have told me before."I said.
"Well come. This place have ice cream of every flavour. "
We made our way to the reception with a lady in her 40ies standing there.
"Oh Kevin long time no see. Who's the young lady? Your girlfriend.?"she asked.
"Hi Amelda. She is my friend. "He replied.
"Hello sweetie. "Amelda greeted me.
"Hey"I greeted back.
"I want my usual vanilla and blueberry. And Alexa you?"He asked me.
Ok now I'm really confused they almost have every flavour in the world. I said still confused, "I'll go withhhhhh........cotton candy."
He smirked and the ordered.
After taking our ice cream we made our way to a table.
"So you like cotton candies ha?"He asked.
"I'm not a big fan I just wanted to try."I replied concentrating on my ice cream.
"Alexa may I ask you a question. " He asked for my permission.
"Yeah you may."I said.
"Why don't you talk about your breakup. Did you love that guy so much that it still hurts.?"He asked the question I wanna avoid but I decided to tell instead. I don't know what made me tell this.
"I never even liked him. He was behinde me for months and everyone were like give him a chance so I did. We only dated for a week when I came to know he was sleeping with others behind my back. When I went in search for him to confront him I found him in the library making out with a girl. When brokeup with him he fucking blamed me that I'm a slut when he was the one cheating me. I was starting to develop feelings for him but it was all a bet for him made with his friend for few bucks."

Concern filled his eyes,"I'm..I'm Sorry Alexa."
"Yeah it's ok."
Now this is getting awkward.
"Let's get you home."he said.
We drove in silence. Back home.
"See you in school Alexa."He said dropping me home.
"Yeah bye."

Hey Readers,
I hope you guys like this chapter.
Keep thinking about what's gonna happen in Mia's date.
Well it's a surprise for me too. Let's wait for crazyfrickinggemini update together.
Love you💕
See yaa💫

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