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Alexa's POV:

I,Mia,Andrew and Kevin were sitting on our couch and munching cookies when Kevin asked me to come with him cause he needs to talk to me and then I protested but then I eventually left with him. We were now in my garden .
"So what do you wanna talk to me?" I asked."Nothing Andrew just asked me that he wants to spend some time with Mia so I should take you out."

"You know if he would have meee I would have happily left for my room."

"Ok fine. I really wanna talk to you."he said in aggressive tone.

"And what do you wanna talk Kevin."

"See Alexa I don't know why you hate me. Uh I know I didn't give you any reasons to like me either and I even kinda pranked you but we are even now and now I think we are gonna see each other a lot so why not just forgive me."

Forgive him? Should I? I don't know. But he is right that we are even now.
"I See."
"Can't we just try to get along for our bestfriend's sake atleast?"
"Ok I'm in."

This conversation was followed by an awkward silence and neither of knew what to say. Thank God I was saved when Andrew left my house. Finally I can go in.

Mia,"Lexxx you know what....?"
"What? Mimi."
"We are going next door to hangout next door."She said cheerfully.
"Oh no Mia this is not happening."
"Come on Lex you cannot fight with him your whole life after all you guys are made for each other."
I am shocked."Oh trust me we are not. He got all bad boy image while I'm looking for someone serious."
"Alexa were you even serious when you were about to die because of dengue."
"Ok fine I'm not looking for someone serious but not even a boy like Kevin. Whatever we'll go to their place and I'll try being friends with Kevin."I replied.
"Oh trust me you really wanna go there. I know."She said very confidently.
Do I really wanna go. Heck yes but you know I'm not gonna admit being as naive as I am.
"Whatever Mimi."

After a while we went to their place to so called hangout. Mia and Andrew are already so comfortable around each other.
Andrew and Kevin both opened the door. Excited Andrew said,"Hello!Mia and Alexa I'm glad you guys came."
Mia,"Hi Andrew and Kevin."
I just said,"Hola."

Ok their house is really organised and clean. We sat on their couch and they gave some cookies and let me tell you Charlie's cookies we have them last week. Andrew asked Mia to come along with him to somewhere and she ditched me already.

Kevin,"So Miss.Stone will you like watch Netflix and eat. Kinda Netflix and chill date."
"This is not a date Mr.Kent and I would love to."I replied.

"What do you wanna watch?" Kevin asked.
"Umm anything you like."
After arguing over Netflix for an hour. Just kidding for a while. Kevin suggested that we should play 20 questions. I agreed.
Kevin,"How many guys have dated?"
"One."I replied casually.
I wanted to start a basic question so I asked," What's your favourite colour?"
Oh damn it's my favourite colour he stole it. Ughhh
"How many kisses have you had?"

"Yes"he said smirking.
"Actually I never kissed anyone."I replied and my face is all flustered right now so I tried to cover it with my hair falling down my sides.
"That is the reason you were saving yourself from me in the closet. You know you would loved it if you losed it to me."
I rolled my eyes. Finally the cocky Kevin is back.
"So Kevin how many girls ha've you dated.?"I asked.
"Oh I never dated any girl cause when I date I want it to be a serious one."

I never expected this reply from him. He is looking forward to a serious relationship but is going flirting with every girl out there.

"Why did you brokeup with your ex?"He asked.
"I really don't want to talk about this. Hope you  understand."
"Ok I do."
This continued for a while. I really found out he is not really that much of jerk. He is actually nice guy.

Finally Mia returned from wherever she went and she was all red.
We left their house after few minutes of chatting.
"So Mimi have you guys kissed or anything.?"I asked mischievously.
" No Alexa." She shouted.
I started laughing my ass off.
"Ok Mia tell me already what all happened."
"Vice versa."Mia said.

Hey Readers,
Hope you enjoy this chapter.
What do you think Mia was doing?
See yaa💫
Lovelies.. .💕❤

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