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Mia's POV

"Oh my god! Drew for god's sake move your hips in a round and not side ways!!" I yelled at him. This was the hundredth time and he still did not even get the first step. " I am trying peaches! I am." He says frustrated. "Who the fuck is peaches?." I ask him. "You." He says with a smirk. Could my face be any redder. "Get your ass up and practice." I say. "Whatever you say peaches." He chuckles. 

"How's lover boi doing." Lex comes in and asks me. "Don't even ask." I sigh. "How is jerk face doing." I ask smirking at her. She rolls her eyes at me and replies, " Atleast he knows how to dance." Whatever. "What about the other members?" I ask her. "Well everybody is good so far." She replies. I nod at her. Since only Andrew didn't know how to dance, he had to do a little more practice than rest. Otherwise the other members would have to wait for Andrew to learn every step. We had total of ten people including Alexa and I. We had five boys and five girls. All the boys knew each other since they were friends and I knew all the girls since we were friends. Kevin,Andrew,Paul,Marc,Liam were the guys. Paul was the most annoying but he was nice. Since I am scared of ghosts. Yup. Don't judge me. He always finds a way to scare me. Marc was your typical bad boy with the bad boy looks. Liam was searching for one true love. Sheryl was a pretty girl but I kind of did not like her. Don't ask me why. She was friendly and she made friends with everyone of the group. Laura was innocent looking and was shy around every boy. Lina had a cheerful personality and was the mother of our group. Well I was happy that everybody got along well otherwise the fights that would have happened. 

After I told Andrew to take a break I went to see their preparations. I was really competitive. Even about little things. So I pushed everybody to their limits to make sure we win. 

"Okay so far everybody is doing well. We will meet here again tomorrow after our school and nobody comes late." I told them. Everybody went except jerk face, me,Lex and Drew. Since we had to decide our further dance moves. Alexa had to wait and Drew had to practice a little more before I let him leave he also had to wait. I think jerk face waited for his best friend. 

"Okay Drew just show me the step one last time and then you can go." I said to him. He nodded his head and did the step. Finally he got it right. I was so happy that I ran to him and hugged him. "Thank the lord above." I yelled loudly. He chuckled at my reaction and set me down. "Oh my god! You stink." I told him. "Well you hugged me peaches." He said smirking. "You can leave and don't be late tomorrow." I told him. He kissed my cheek and sat down. 

Alexa and I choreographed the song and after practicing a little more we also decided to leave. Since it had started getting dark outside. Kevin and Andrew were still sitting down watching us. "What are you both doing here." I asked them. "I was waiting for you." Andrew replied instantly making me blush. "What about you jerk face." I asked Kevin. "Are you also waiting for Lex." I asked smirking. Alexa elbowed me on my side. "Ouch! Lex." I yelled loudly. Kevin just shrugged. We all made our way towards our car. "Tomorrow we can go together to school." Andrew suggested. We all just nodded and drove towards our respective homes. But Andrew went to the gym. 

"How was practice." Charlie asked us. "It was good." we both replied simultaneously. 

I went straight to shower and after doing my homework I went straight to bed. 

The next morning I woke up and checked my phone. Since I had slept early a lot of calls and messages were left unanswered. But instead of checking all the other messages I opened Andrew's message first. 


Tomorrow at eight i'll pick you up peaches;-)

Oh my god!!!!  

I quickly ran down to search Lex but couldn't find her anywhere.

"Where is Lex!" I asked Charlie. "She is outside." She told me. 

I quickly ran outside and saw Alexa talking on the phone.

"LEX DREW ASKED ME ON A DATE." I yelled loudly. I just couldn't contain my happiness and the excitement that came with it. 

She looked and me and started laughing and I was confused. "What?" I asked her raising my eyebrows. 

She pointed to something behind me. I turned around and saw Andrew smiling at me. Did he just see everything. My face instantly heated up. Oh my god. He was washing his car. He was wearing a sleeveless t shirt and I could see tattoo on his left arm and his well defined muscles. DAYMM. But then I realized what happened a few moments ago. So instead of checking him out I quickly made my way inside and I could hear his laugh. 

Great way to start my day.


Heyloo everybody.

Hope you liked the chapter 

Love you all.


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