when I saw you I felt something I never felt

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Mia's POV

Oh my god! I can't believe this day arrived so soon.

Today is the day of the competition.

Could I be anymore nervous.

"Take a deep breathe mimi." Lex reminded for the hundredth time while sitting on the couch and eating peacefully.

We were waiting for everyone as we had decided to meet up first and leave together. 

Drew and Kevin entered early since they lived right next to us.

"Breathe Peaches." Drew said while sighing.

"I am breathing for god sakes can everybody stop that." I said frustrated. I mean Lex kept reminding me and now Drew and next will be Alex and Peter.

"Mia you need to calmly sit down and breathe." Alex said while coming downstairs.

As soon as he said those words everybody's eyes widened and they looked in between me and Alex. 

Okay looks like today will be Alex's funeral.

I quickly made my way towards him and he stood on the last step looking terrified.

I grabbed him by his hair and before I could do anything Drew came and picked me up by waist and pulled me away from him.

"Leave me! I haven't attended a funeral in a while." I yell loudly.

Drew sat on the couch with me on his lap and if he didn't hold me then i'm sure I would've gone to the jail.

Soon everybody was here and I was making sure everybody's outfit was neat and complete.

We all drove to our school in Drew's and Kevin"s car and Paul's car.

I was in Drew's car in the passenger seat and he kept his one hand on my thigh and the other on the steering wheel. In the backseat where the most annoying people and Looks like Alex recovered from the morning's incident. 

Me,Drew,Alex,Peter where in one car.

Kevin,Lex,Sheryl,Liam were in Kevin's car.

Lina,Paul,Laura,Marc were in Paul's car.

We all reached and went towards the ground which was decorated according to our theme which was dance. 

The atmosphere was really nice all the parents and teachers were sitting on the benches. 

Soon the competition started and I had a very unpleasant feeling in my stomach like I was going to throw up.

  "Okay guys we can do this. Don't pick anything from the stage in between the dance even if your costume falls down and i'm pretty sure that won't happen. I am proud of you all for keeping up with me and the practices even if we don't win it doesn't matter. But do remember that everyone will buy me food with their money because you guys annoyed the hell out of me during these practices." I said to everybody and they laughed.

Our performance was placed in the beginning so after our performance I settled down a little. 

We did our best and our performance was a blast. I was happy with everybody's efforts. 

I can't believe all the performances are over and it was time for the results.

The feeling came back and Drew was beside me the whole time.

"Third place is secured by................the Red lakes." The host announced and everybody roared into a thunderous applause. The whole team went up and claimed their price.

"Second place goes to..............XDragons." Once again everybody clapped loudly and their team yelling their slogan.

"Finally the most awaited price of the evening. Everybody did their best so don't feel disappointed if you did not win. You can always learn from your failures." The host made a little speech.

"Now moving on, the winner of this event are none other than...............Illumination Pack." He announced and Lex yelled loudly and jumped into the arms of Kevin and he caught her with ease. 

The whole crowd went wild and Paul almost kissed Lina. 

Sheryl dramatically fell in the arms of Liam.

Laura was laughing hysterically and Marc was doing a happy little dance.

Out of no where Alex and Peter came lifted me off the ground and were going crazy.

Everything was happening in a slow motion and I still couldn't believe my ears.

Alex and Peter were going crazy yelling my girls loudly and Drew was a little scared since I was on the shoulders of Alex and Peter. So he quickly took me down and hugged me tightly.

I was literally so happy I hugged the daylights out of everybody.

We all together went up the stage to collect our trophy.

Andrew's POV

Seeing her so happy made something weird happen inside my stomach. 

I had a little surprise for her.

We were all on the stage and I looked at everybody and they nodded at me and smiled.

I had told everybody what I was going to do. So everybody made space at the center for me.

(A\N Giggling like a bitch right now.)    

Peaches looked really confused and she looked so adorable right now.


shut up.

are you just going to stand there.

Shut up.

Slowly inhaled and bent down on a knee and from my pocket I removed my promise ring and my friends held the banner high that said will you be my girlfriend.

The crowd gasped and Peaches eyes was as big as saucers.

"I never met a person so beautiful and everyday you become more beautiful and I will one day replace this promise ring with a wedding ring. I may not be the best out there but will always be by your side. Coz when I saw you I felt something I never felt. So will you do the honours of being my girlfriend." I said while trying not to blush.

She gasped and nodded her head and yelled loudly,"YES!" 

I placed the ring on her finger and got up and slowly kissed her.

Everybody clapped loudly and all of them surrounded us in a group hug

Never been happier.


Heylo lovely folks 

Hope you'll enjoyed the chap and ik his proposal was a little over the top

but life is too short to not express your love.

Anyways love Andrew he is such a boyfriend goals. I mean i can't have him but whatever.

Love you all


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