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Mia's POV 

"I wanted to give you something." Andrew whispered in my ear. Too close can smell your colonge. Let me tell DAYMM. "S-sure." I stuttered. He smirked seeing the effect he was having on me. He gently took my hand and waited to see if I would pull away but when I didn't he got up motioning me to do the same. After leaving their living room we went upstairs and stopped in front of a door which I assumed was his room. He opened the door and we both entered the room. His room a little on the messier side. His bed was undone and all his clothes were on the floor. But where his window was situated you could see the best view. Since it was night I could see the moon shining in all it's glory. I made my way to his balcony. 

"Sorry for the mess I was searching something." He said and came and stood next to me. I just nodded looking at the moon. He stretched out his palm and a small box was placed on top of it. "What is this." I questioned him. He smiled at me and opened the box and a beautiful pendant was placed inside. "I want to give you this." He said smiling at me and taking out the neck piece. He placed it on my neck he was about to close it but I stopped him. "I have Pistanthrophobia." I said to him. "Is it even a real phobia." He asked chuckling. "Yes Drew it is and why are you giving this to me." I asked. "Because I want to." He said and secured the necklace around my neck. I turned around and saw him smiling at me. "Why me?" I asked him. He took my hand and lead us towards his bed. 

"My dad gave this necklace to my mother and promised her that he would always love and protect her. After my dad left us she gave it to me and now i'm giving it to you." He replied. I was at a loss of words. I just stared at him. "I don't know what to say." I said honestly. "You don't have to." He said smiling. I also couldn't help but smile at him. " I hope I could meet your mother." I said aloud. "You will. I'm sure she will love you." He said. Both of didn't speak for a while. But the silence was welcomed by both of us. 

"I want to know more about you." He said looking at me. "Ask." I told him. 

"Were you serious when you said you never kissed." He asked I could see the curiosity rolling of him in waves. I smiled at him,"Yes." That means you never dated." He asked. "I once dated a guy." I told him honestly. "Why'd you break up." This boy was curious. "I told him to not tell anyone we were dating because I was not comfortable and yet he did. So I broke up with him. The morning he proposed and at night I broke up with him. Trusting is something I am afraid of and he gave me a reason right away why I should be not dating him." I said honestly. He smiled, happy that I broke up with him. "So how about you." I asked. "I have not dated anyone but was waiting." He said. "What do you mean." I asked him. "I may have my fair share of one night stands but I never dated anyone because I wanted someone who I could see my future with." He said truthfully.

After knowing more about him. I suddenly realized I had to go home otherwise Charlie would go on a hunting spree. Since I hadn't told her that we would be at Andrew's place. "I need to go back." I told him. "Can't you stay a little longer." Disappointment evident in his voice. I smiled at him and replied. "I did not inform Charlie and next time I promise to stay a little longer." I got up from his bed and headed towards his door. Him trailing behind me. I opened the door and stepped outside before I could go any further he grabbed my hand and turned me around giving a small peck on my cheeks. My face instantly heated up and I quickly ran down and heard his chuckling from behind me. 

I grabbed Lex's hand dragged her with me. After reaching our home we got comfortable on the couch and she told me what she did with Kevin. "Ok gurl fine start to a healthy relationship and I ship Alvin." I said. "We just had a normal conversation." she said shaking her head. After I showed her the necklace she went crazy. "Oh my god. I can't believe this is happening. I thought you would die alone cause no one would be able to handle the crazy you." She said wiping a fake tear. I just rolled my eyes. "Lover boi is such a softie." She said. I laughed at her. 

"So what are you going to do." She asked me. I raised my eyebrow. "Are you going to tell him about your growing feelings." She asked. 

"I don't know." I said and headed to my room.


Love the lover boi. What are your thoughts.

Love you all


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