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Yeah! It's finally the day we flying to Australia. Mia and lover boi is matching outfits. Yeah they are on that point of relationship.

 Yeah they are on that point of relationship

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(Andrew and Mia's outfit)

They are already ready there in living room. I made my way down there.
"Oh my poor virgin eyes take your makeout session some where else."I yelled at Mimi and lover boy.
"Just wait for Jerkface to arrive and then you'll do the same lexxx" she said singing teasingly.
"Oh I'll not."I said.
Then the devil arrived. By devil I mean Kevin.
"Hey babe."He called out at me coming closer.
"Hello Jerkface. "Mia said catching his attention "there are more people in this living room."she said teasing.
"Hello to you too Mia."
He came closer to kiss me but I pushed him away.
"What's wrong? I wanna kiss you."He said pouting at me.
"You don't kiss me till we reach Australia."I said sternly.
"Not fair Al it's fucking 10 hour flight. I wouldn't resist that much."He said
"Well you have to."I said with finality in my voice.

Everyone arrived at the airport and we boarded our flight. I was sitting next to Mia and we were listening to our playlist for the rest of the flight and we slept in between.
"Get up you sleepy heads. We are here."Lina was screaming in our ears.
"Lina calm down we are up."Mia said rubbing her eyes.
Fresh air hit us when we came out of airport and everyone were stretching themselves. We were all tired after this long journey but we have a party to attend today. Sheryl's cousin lives here and her friend is throwing a party today in which we are invited to. But I'm too tired to go there.

Sheryl's cousin Aana came to the airport to pick us. And we made our way to a beach house. We all sat in the car and Kevin was sitting beside me this time and Andrew and Mia in front of us.
"Well Al I can kiss you now right?"Kevin asked.
"Umm no."

After reaching to the beach house we all went in our respective rooms. I and Mia was again in one room. Like you know it's obvious.
We decided to get ready for the party after taking good amount of rest.
Mia did our makeup and I just applied eye liner because that is the only thing I'm good at. Mia was wearing a red dress and I'm wearing a navy blue dress.

We entered a mansion almost as big as we own maybe slightly bigger. Anna took us to meet her friend. While we walked through the drunk and dancing teenagers Liam was busy staring beauties around his words not mine.

"Guys meet my friend Cassandra. She is the host of this party today."Aana introduced her.
"Hey "everyone greeted her.
"Hi enjoy yourself to the fullest and what's your name Mr handsome. "She pointed seducively towards Kevin and I already don't like her.
"Well his name is Jerkface. And unfortunately this jerkface is committed to my bestfriend so keep your hands to yourself. "Mia said to Cassandra in a threatening tone. I rolled my eyes and Kevin pushed me closer to him.

"Atleast kiss me now Al."He pouted.
It is not like I don't wanna kiss him its just that I wanna test his patience and trust me I'm having a lot of fun. So I'm gonna keep the game on.
"No kev not now."
"Why won't you kiss me. Did I do something wrong.?"
"No you didn't I just don't feel like kissing you now ."
"Are you mad at me Al? "
"Nope.....I said I simply don't wanna kiss you right now. "
"Ok fine."with this he stomped away like a five year old kid.
"Poor Jerkface. "Mia said laughing and I started laughing too.
After a while he didn't come back so I myself went out looking for him. I finally spot him after a good 10minutes searching and through this drunken crowd making my way towards him. When I reach there I saw something I shouldn't have seen boyfriend was making out with some chick here and that chick is none other than Cassandra.
It felt like earth shifted below my legs. I decided to confront him but I was not in the condition to do it so I drank my worries out before Mia spotted me.
"Why the heck are you drinking so much Lex.?"
"Mimi"I said crying "Even Kevin ditched me like Sam. He was making out with Cassandra. Everyone ditches me I think I don't deserve to be loved."

"Oh calm down Lex. Don't cry for that son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill him he don't deserve you."she said with anger flaring in her voice. "I'm going for a hint of that Jerkface and you just wait here with Lina. "She called Lina to be by my side. Lina was totally worried and then Paul came to ask her for a dance she declined but I pushed her to go and that exact moment Cassandra came near me.
"Your so called boyfriend tastes really good. "She wynked at me and left and I'm just watching everything happen in front of my eye. Stupid alcohol....

"Al would you even mind dancing now?"Kevin came near me and asked.

"No I would love killing you right now."I said shooting a glare at him.
"What do you mean babe.? Are you drunk ?"
"Why do you care. Go and care for the bitch you were making out with just because I didn't let you kiss me?"
"No it's not what it's look like Al."
"Yeah I'm a fool right."I tried getting away from him but he wouldn't let me. He caged me between his arms and the table."let me go you jerk."
"Just listen to me once."
"Well I don't want to. All men are same there's no difference. "He was still holding me in place.

"You fucking leave my best friend."Mia said yelling at him.....


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