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Andrew's POV

Everybody was gushing over Kev and Alexa so I decided to finally give the gift I wanted to give peaches.
As Kevin said I'm definitely whipped.

I quickly pulled peaches towards me and asked her if we could go to her room.

"What happened?" she asks me.
"I wanted to show you something." I say.
She looks at me and tilts her head to side.
Can't believe she is mine.
I lift my hoodie and remove it and she stares at me and looks me up and down.
"I see why you stay in the gym 24/7."she says.
Her eyes look at my tattoos and she slowly takes a step towards me. Her hands trail along the lines of the tattoos.
Finally her lands on the tattoo on my left near my chest.
Her eyes widens as she looks at me.
I smile at her and she stares at me with her eyes glassy.
"Why'd you do it." she asks.
"Because I wanted to and it was an idea suggested by my mom." I say and lean in to kiss her.

But suddenly the door is slammed open with such force that peaches jumped in surprise and I chuckle at her.

"I knew it! Get your hands of my sister!" Matthew yells and peaches glares at him.
She quickly tries to push him out of the door but Matthew is quiet taller than her.
"Get out Matt!" she yells.
I see the sibling love.
"MEL!!" She yells and her sister comes and tries to pull her twin away from the door but Matthew stays rooted where he is and glares at me.
Melaine notices the tattoo and looks at me with surprise.
I smile at her.
She forgets about Matt and comes closer to look.
"I can't believe you did this! When am I going to get a boyfriend." she yells.
"I can't believe a person like my sister could get such a romantic boy." she sighs.
Upon hearing this peaches turns around and glares at Melanie.
"What!! What did he do!" Matt yells and comes towards me.
He then looks at my tattoo and then leaves the room.
Of course now everybody is here looking at me while I'm half naked.
Peaches comes and quickly clinges to me like a monkey.
"Everybody get the hell out of my room!" Peaches yells.
"Everybody take a look at my son-in-law!" Mrs. Jackson gushes.
My mother smiles at me and gives me a thumbs up. It was her idea to get Mia's name tattooed but I wrote peaches instead with a rose around it.

Finally after everybody was done looking at me they left us alone.

Somebody's phone buzzed and it was peaches.
I quickly snatched it from her and she sighed.
This son of a bitch.
Tristan. (ass)
Can we meet please.

"You will not go!" I tell her.
"of course not do you think I'm dumb!" she tells with her nose scrunched up in disgust.
"I'll be back." I tell her.
"Where are you going?" she asks.
"Just something I need to do." I tell her and kiss her.

I quickly text Kevin to meet me.
"What's up." he asks.
"I need you to find me Tristan when we get back." I tell him.
He nods his head and we head inside.
He was good in this type of shit and I was good at beating them.

Everybody was busy doing their own thing.
Peaches and Alexa were busy laughing among themselves while seeing something on their phones.
Kevin and I both make our towards them.
She was looking at a photo of a man with curly hair and showing it to her friend.
"Who is this." I ask trying keep my jealousy at bay.
"My crush." she says and smirks at me.
What the hell I snatch the phone from her and look at him. Who is he.
"He is jack." she tells sensing my confusion.
I look at her in disbelief.
Alexa starts laughing hysterically and I look at her and raise my eyebrow.
"He is jack avery from our favorite boy band. Why don't we and her lane is jack avery." Alexa explains.
Peaches also laughs with her bestfriend and I'm relieved.
"He has a baby girl." peaches tells.
"why should I care." I tell her.
"Because you are clearly jealous." she tells.
"of course I am." I tell her truthfully.
She just laughs and I sit beside her.

We were currently leaving and everybody said their goodbyes.
Matt was currently in a better mood.
He also bro hugged me.
Well that's good news.
But I had to take care of someone back home.

Where can I get a Andrew.

Well hope you enjoyed this chap and get ready Tristan to get your ass kicked. *evil laugh*

Love you all.

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