Give it a try!

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Alexa's POV

oh my god I don't believe this I' really going on a date with a boy I hated with all my guts.

damn I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Mimi threatening life out of Kevin.

"I think we should leave."I said and then we left my house.

"So Mr.Kent where are taking me at freaking 12pm?"I asked politely with sarcasm in my voice.

"Oh Miss.Stone you'll see when we get there and for now you can listen to music and by the way you looking hot."He said wynking at me.

I just rolled my eyes and replied,"Mean".

After what like 5 hours the car came to a stop. Just kidding maybe after 30 minutes. I don't believe my eyes he took me to amusement park for a date. This is just like a dream come true for me ya I know it strange wishing to go on a date in an amusement park but atleast it is not a formal date in which you make awkward conversations.

"Do you like the place babe."He asked a little nervously.

"no!"As soon as these words left my mouth his face paled.

"Cause I love it you Idiot!"I shouted and then hugged him. I really don't know what came into me but yeah I hugged him.

"I'm really happy you love it let's go in baby."He said with enthusiasm inhis voice.

"You know kevin I have a name and no need to call me'baby'cause I hate that word with my whole fucking heart."

"It's a nickname for you .."He said shrugging his shoulder .

"Well then find a new nickname then."

"Wait let's go on the rollercoster ."I said.

"Ain't you like scared of them cause normally girls don't like these kinda rides."He asked more like answered.

"Heck I love these kinda rides. Are you coming or I go alone."I said running near the ride .

"Wait Lex I'm coming."

We spent most of our time fooling around and laughing our asses off. Going on different rides with this idiot was actually fun. We also ate too much for today like popcorn, candyfloss,hot dogs,and what not. The small stalls over here make utterly delicious food. He is actually a fun guy to hangout with and now I know that I like him but I have no guts to tell him. And secondly he is a player kind of boy so I don't wanna get hurt again. But still I can avoid him tomorrow right and enjoy for today. I snapped out of my thoughts when a sweet voice invaded my ears and now I realised how close we were standing .

"Alexa let's go to 'Horror House' people say it's really famous out here."He said
"Um let's not go there."I replied
"Is this little princess scared?"
"No I'm not scared of any thing and I'm not little at all."I said in frustration. But let me tell yu guys I'm damn scared of anything related to horror but I won't tell him that.
We went inside and every time a ghost came in front of me I tried to be brave. Keyword tried cause I punched them or squeezed Kevin to death. And by now he knows I'm scared of ghosts but I won't admit.
"Someone said that she's not scared of anyone."
"I wasn't scared dumbo. I punched them cause I thought you were scared."
"Whatever helps you sleep tonight Alexa."He said putting his hand on my waist and pulling me closer to his side."Let's end this date with ferries wheel Miss.Stone. "
"Uh ok."
We made our way to the Ferris wheel and on the ride. It's almost 8pm now. I never spent this much time in an amusement park but I love it. I was taking in the view when he spoke after clearing his throat.
"I wanna tell you something. "
"Go ahead I'm listening. "
"Um why is this so difficult "He half shouted.
"Don't tell me you ate my white chocolate chip cookies from the kitchen and that's why you bought me for a date. Cause I'm gonna kill you I was hiding them from Mimi too."
"Geez woman why would I bring you on a date because I ate your cookies. "
"So you did eat my cookies."I asked suspiciously.
"No I wanna say that the minute I saw you falled for you and before anyone can even lay finger on you I want you all for myself. I know I don't have a nice reputation about girls but I dedicate myself to you. I know you are probably scared because of your ex but trust me I'll really prove myself right for you. Just give it a try Alexa. Be my girl."He said leaving me all shocked I don't know what to say but not all men are like Sam.
"Yeah I wanna give it a try."
As soon as these words left my mouth he quickly embraced me in a hug and then he then leaned and kissed me slowly. I was shocked for a minute but then I gave into the kiss. It was full of need and love and was indeed sweet.

We broke the kiss panting for some oxygen. Then he again hugged me.
"Calm down boy you'll kill me with your hug."
"I'm really happy today. And what you have already killed me with your looks."
Ok typical Kevin is back. I'll never forget my first date and well my first kiss. After having we made our way back home.
The moment I entered the gate Mia came running.
"Well how was your date? Tell me every detail about it. "
I told every detail to her and she was so excited that I'm dating him. Like more happier than me. I think that's what bestfriend's are for.
"Oh Lex I got a good news for you and bad one for me."Mia said frowning.

Hey Readers
I hope you guys like this chapter.
What do you think is the news?
See yaa💕
Love you guys💕

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