Mimi getting old☆

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Alexa's POV:

You know what day it is!!!! It's Mimi's birthday. Yeah I'm gonna have lots of fun. I wished her birthday at 12 at night because I wanted to be first one to wish her and after me it was Andrew obviously.

I'm always excited about her birthday cause you know I'm not so fond of my birth but I'm of her birth. Now in 10 min she will be leaving with Andrew to our parents house to meet them and introduce Andrew to them. I'm sure her Mom and my Mom will like Andrew but I'm not sure about Mathew,Mathew is Mia's big brother and obviously our father's. Atleast I'll get time to execute my plan.

"Lex I'm leaving. Pray for me that I come back alive."Mia shouted from living room and I instantly went down.
"God bless you my child."I said in a foreign ascent and she rolled her eyes and said,"Lex I'm not your child and I'm 17 days bigger than you never forget."

This time I rolled my eyes,"Whatever Mia." Andrew and Mia left the house and they won't be back till 8pm cause I told Andrew to keep her busy. It's time to execute my plan. Well Kevin, Lina and Paul are helping me out with the party. I already sent the invitations and the theme for the party is 'No Formals'. I also invited people form our old school. Charlie being awesome made cake for us and she prepared three cakes cause I asked her too. KitKat, Dark forest and White chocolate with strawberrys are the flavours of the cake. Kevin and Paul are incharge of decorations and Lina is helping Charlie with cake and I'm volunteering and managing all other works and also keeping a check on them. All I can hear is Alexa , Alexa,Alexa from all the directions.

"You people stop yelling my name and tell me what's the problem one by one and Charlie goes first."I yelled in frustration.
"Cake's are ready come and take a look."Charlie said.
"Ok charls I'm coming." I made my way to kitchen. "Oh my god Charls they look amazing. "     


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Black forest

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Black forest

White chocolate with strawberry

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White chocolate with strawberry

"Paul why were you calling me.?"I asked Paul.
"Nothing it's done."He replied.
"I need you here babe."Kevin shouted while hanging fairy lights.
"How can I help you?" I asked.
"Well I just want you to kiss me."He said pouting a little.
"Shut up Kevin they are soon gonna be here."
Finally after a lot of struggle finally everything is prepared. Mia is back but she is a Andrew's house getting ready cause she is not allowed in here. I already sent her outfit  with Lina and Lina herself is getting ready there.

 I already sent her outfit  with Lina and Lina herself is getting ready there

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(This how Mia's outfit look like.)
And it's now my turn to get ready.

  (This is how Alexa's outfit looks like

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  (This is how Alexa's outfit looks like.)

Everyone are here now and lights are all off for Mia to enter. Andrew and Lina are going to bring her in. Oh my god is everything going to be like I planned. I'm having an anxiety attack right now.
"Hey Alexa calm down. By the way you look pretty."Kevin said while drawing circles on the backside of my neck practically giving me goose bumps. "Kevin she is coming Lina just texted me."

She came through front door and lights were off."Oh my god are you guys planing to kill me or something."Mia said loudly and Andrew chuckled. The fairy lights lit the room and she gawked in surprise.
I,Kevin and Paul were standing near the table with the cakes. And we had boxes in our hand. Everyone else came from behind singing the birthday song. Mia came ahead and,"What am I suppose to do now. Cut the cake? "She asked.

"No open the boxes first Paul's box."
She opened the box and there was a note in it which says 'I am a pet which does not exist. Guess me and cut the first cake '
"Seriously Lex it's my pet Tiger "
And with that she cut the first cake and then went for Kevin's box 'A nickname you gave to the most handsome person alive on earth.'
"Seriously Kevin, or I should say Jerkface."with that she went for the other cake. And now she opened which says 'Your dialogue which irritates your partner in crime the most.'

She was nervous and didn't exactly know which dialogue because there are many I get irritated to. But then she smirked and said,"And the dialogue is that I'm 17 days older than you and I have seen more world then you which is the truth. Am I right Lex?"
I rolled my eyes ,"When are you not. Cut the cake dumb."
After cake cutting I took the mic and said,"Mimi I wanna say that you are finally 18 now so now legally you can drink but don't drink too much cause I can't handle your drunk self. I have grown up with you and we have always been together but when you were not with me for few days it felt like someone took my life from me. You complete me I can never imagine my life without you. Don't ever plan on leaving me cause I'll fucking die without you. And if I die I'm gonna haunt you to death. So better don't leave me. Happy birthday bestie let's get old together."I confessed.

"I'm speechless "she said and then hugged me. And everyone started hooting and wooing around.

Now it was gift opening ceremony taking place after a tiring party. Lina gave some books and novels because she loves reading. Paul and Kevin  gave her some gift cards.
"Now it's time for my gifts"I said.
"The one I'm waiting for."
I gave her a pendant which I have the same with me. I gave her some hoodies and an album consisting our photos from childhood till date.
And now it's Andrew's turn he gave her some thing and then they kissed.
"Aw I admire you guys." Before I could say anything else Kevin grabbed me "And now I have no patience left." He said and then kissed me.


Hola Readers,
Hope you guys like this chapter.
Love you💕
See yaa💫✌

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