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I and Mia decided to wear something similar but Emily throwing a formal part I landed on off shoulder black dress and Mia landed on stripped dress. (Picture above)
When we finally reached there I saw him. Is he stalking me now. Dude he is everywhere I go. When I told Mia she dragged me inside to confront him but I being myself stopped her.

Then we decided to meet Emily and give her the present we bought.
Mia shouted hugging Emily, "Happy birthday Em." And I wished her," Happy birthday Em." What did I do to have such a bestfriend.
I met everyone from my old school there and the common question was, 'why are you so inactive these days' and I replied with, ' Oh I was busy but I'll be back.'
Now we all were sitting and watching a video which Prady made of our middle school days and the video proves I'm not a nerd kind of stuff.
Kevin was now almost giving me death glares and I avoided them skilfully.

Now we all went in the middle of dance floor and started dancing like lunatics. The song suddenly changed to a romantic one cause our dear Emily wanted to dance with her boyfriend. Birthday girl she is after all.

Mia got asked by some boy in our old school and she is leaving me all alone. I'm hurt.(fake cry😭)

Then the boy I least expected was coming towards me. Kevin.
He asked innocently, "Hey Alexa, I think you won't mind a dance with me?" I rolled my eyes and was about to say 'no' when Mia chirped in, "Lex I got a partner and I don't want you to stand here alone and that scumbag Sam is waving at you and I don't want you to dance with your ex so better accept."
She is right there's no way I'm dancing with Sam not even in my wildest dreams. I accepted.

I thought he is not a good dancer but he indeed is! He is trying to trick me so I fall but I got better tricks boy. Finally he broke the silence, " You are a good dancer, Why don't you participate in school?" "Um I don't know why but I'll try someday." I simply replied. "You look so different from school here totally opposite to your nerd reputation May I get an explanation?" He asked. "And what makes you think I'll explain it to you."
Kevin retorted, "You habe to reply me Alexa now or latter." I retorted, "We'll see about that Kevin."
The song was finally over and I went and had a fruit punch and it was so amazing that I drank a lot and now I'm drunk.

Mia came rushing, " Lex we mixed alcohol in it you stupid. We were pranking Bianca and you idiot you drank the whole thing. Wait here don't move I'll get lemon for you."

Two hand grabbed me and to my surprise they belong to Sam but I was too drunk to even resist. Then another  pair of hands grabbed me and again to my surprise they belong to Kevin.

Kevin said aggressively,"Sam leave her I want to dance with her."
Sam said with a smirk," Don't you see I'm trying to patchup with my ex with a makeout session cause she need it desperately."

Kevin said more aggressively ,"Yeah when she is drunk and won't remember anything tomorrow. "
Just then Mia came and intrupted them, "What are you guys trying to do with my drunk bestfriend, better keep your hands off her and you Sam you maintain a distance of 10 miles or I'll break every bone of yours."

Without listening anything she took me and we made our way to home.


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