My cookies!!

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Mia's POV

The moment I tried to open my eyes I instantly regreted it. The sun rays were too blinding and the headache didn't help either. I tried getting off my bed but I stumbled back on the bed. Never going to drink again. After finally reaching downstairs with so much effort I landed on the couch. "Lex!!!!!" I shouted loudly. "Right here and take these medicine Charlie told it will help with the headache." She said handing me some medicine. I quickly took the medicine off her hands. After some time my headache was reduced but it was still there.

"What happened yesterday." I questioned Lex.

"Oh you got drunk and n-nothing else." She said avoiding my gaze.

"Okay annnndd." I questioned her because she was lying. "and don't lie to me Lex." I added.

After she told me everything my jaws were on the floor. "You were in the closest with the jerk face for seven minutes. Oh my god!! What was I doing." I stated in a shock.

"Oh you were there on the arms of lover boy and convincing me to go inside." She said sarcastically.

"How did we get home. I was drunk you cannot drive." I asked.

"Lover boy decided to give us a ride." She stated. "Oh and also you were there in the backseat with lover boy and you fell asleep on him and he carried you to your room." She said almost laughing.

"WHAT!!!!" I shrieked loudly. "Also if I was in the back what were you doing in the front seat with jerk face." I asked her smirking.

She looked at me and started blushing. "Oh my god!!!!!! You like him." I screamed.

"NOO!" She said immediately.

"It's okay my dear friend the first step is always denial. Then next you admit to yourself. Then you try to forget but you can't because the more you hide the more your feelings become stronger and then eventually-" I kept on ranting when she yelled loudly at me. "No Mia nothing is going to happen." She said shaking her head. "Oh really." I asked smirking at her.

"Look the jerk face knocking at our door." I told her. She quickly got up and went to open the door and I started laughing. "You-you should have seen your face." I said laughing.

Her face was red as tomato. "I can't believe you fell for that." I told her still laughing.

"It's not funny!!!" She exclaimed. "Oh but from where I am sitting it is." I said smirking at her.

She stomped away to her room and I was also about to go but the bell rang. So I went to open it and when I opened the door I saw a very handsome jerk. Oh I mean Andrew. I just door there at the door checking him out. Oh damn. Some fine specimen. "You done checking me out baby girl." He said smirking. I then realized I was still in yesterdays clothes and I looked like a walking zombie. So I quickly ran back to my room and saw Alexa coming down. Thank god. I reached my room and slammed my door shut. "Why did she go running away." Alexa asked Andrew. "Did you show her your dick or something." Alexa asked suspiciously. In response Andrew just laughed. "No Alexa I did not do anything. She saw me and then without saying anything she ran away." Andrew said chuckling. I averted my ears from the door and quickly refreshed myself. After applying a little lip gloss I went downstairs hoping he was still there. When I go downstairs I was surprised to see the jerk face sitting with Andrew and eating MY cookie. I quickly scurried down and snatched the plate from the table and yelled,"Lexxxx Who gave them My cookies!!!" Alexa quickly came out of the kitchen and looked at me and then sighed. "Charlie." she said.

I cannot believe this. "CHARLIE!" I yelled loudly. "What is it Mia?" She said in a bored tone. "You gave them MY cookies." I told her. "I made some extra chocolate cookies for you." She said smiling at me. I quickly kept the plate down and went in the kitchen. When I came out everybody started laughing. At me. Nobody comes in between me and MY cookies. I just pouted at them. "So why has the meeting been called." I asked them. "Nothing." All of them replied in unison . "What is Jerk- I mean Kevin doing here." I thought you both hated each other. I mean Lex may have developed-" I was rudely stopped while talking by Lex. "So I heard Mia likes-" she said smirking but before she could say anything I yelled loudly "COOKIES." Alexa just chuckled.

Alexa went with Kevin because apparently he wanted to talk. Yeah right. I was left alone with Andrew. "Mia do you know what you said to me yesterday." He said with sincerity. "Umm No." I said a little confused. He sighed and leaned in closer. Damn he smells good. "What are you saying?" I say slowly. "You said-" He was about to say something when Charlie came in and saw us we both jumped apart. "Sorry children you both can continue whatever you'll were doing I just came to say that Mia I am going to the grocery store." She said and left. We both stood and my face resembled a tomato. "Mia can you come tonight we can hangout or something. You can bring Alexa if you want i'm sure Kev would appreciate it." I couldn't trust my voice so I nodded at him and he left. 

Alexa came in after sometime and I practically ran to her, "LEXXX you know what....."



Where do you think Alexa and Kevin went???

Hope you liked the chapter 

Loads of Love!!!!


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