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Alexa's POV:

We finally there at Lina's and party is at total swing filled with drunk teenagers dancing and couples making out. Ewww I hate this. After Mia getting drinks for us Luna took us to a room in which everyone were playing truth and dare. Typical party game and with devil and his bestfriend present here. I mean Kevin and Andrew though Andrew is a nice guy but he is his bestfriend for God's sake.

After bottle spinning and landing on different people. Everyone screaming for random dare and wooing for some truths the bottle finally landed on Mia and Andrew. Smirking Andrew asked Mia,"truth or dare" and Mia chose truth. Then he asked most stupid question ever, "How many guys have you kissed?" Mia rolled her eyes,"None". Everyone were shocked except for me for obvious reason I'm her bestfriend. "You wanna change that?"Andrew asked while Mia replied "How about kicking you?" And then we left the room.
We went outside and Mia started drinking I wanted to use the washroom so I left her but not before warning her not to get drunk. Were this fucking bathroom is? Finally I found it and went inside and oh my god I don't believe my eye's. Two people sucking faces and none other than Kevin and some girl I don't know probably his girlfriend. He saw and his eyes widened in shock and he smirked. Typical Kevin.
"Can you guys continue outside cause you blocking the bathroom at least lock the doors when you do this kind stuff."
"Don't you wanna join me Alexa?" I rolled my eyes,"Trust me I got better work to do and if you can leave now."
"Whatever helps you to sleep tonight babe." " Jerk"

After using the washroom and I left washroom and found Mia all drunk because of some dare and she fucking drank 4 bottles. Before I can process anything someone dragged us to another room playing 7 minutes in the closet I refused but Mia agreed.

Typical thing happening bottle spinning and landing on different people. People going in and coming back. The bottle spinned again and landed on random... no wait it's me and Kevin. No this is not happening I'm not going in with a player.
Kevin spoke breaking the silence,"Come on Alexa let's go." I would go to rub that smirk out off his face but I can't leave Mia behind. " There's no chance I'm leaving Mia behind all alone I'm not leaving."
Andrew in between,"I'll take care of Mia trust me." "And what makes you think I trust you." "I like her and please let me spend some time with her." " You like her I knew it! Ok then but if something bad happens then I'll feed you to dogs." "Oh I won't give you a chance."

I went inside with Kevin. "Listen Kevin don't try to do anything with me or.....I'll" cutting me off and pushing me between his hands and wall he said,"or what Alexa?"
"I'll break every bone of you." "Go for it Alexa break every bone of me I'm all yours for 7 minutes." I tried pushing him and punching but he is too strong and beyond my strength then I decided to knee him where Sun don't shine but he was too close for me to do anything. If a move even an inch our lips will be connecting. His breathe was fanning my skin sending shivers to my spine.

He moved his face near crook of my neck and the near my ears he wisphered, "Now Alexa what will you do now. Oh but I can do whatever I want." My breathe hitched in my throat and merely coming out as a whisper, "Don't "
"Don't worry I won't do anything. You are not a girl I can flirt with. " With this he made some distance between us and then left the closet. I went outside quickly grabbing Mia and making my way home but I don't know to fucking drive." We can drive you." " No thanks I'll just take a cab." Kevin l,"Come on Alexa we won't eat you." After a lot of argument and Andrew convincing me to sit ahead with Kevin driving we were about to board there car when Andrew stopped me,"Alexa, dont tell Mia I like her I'll tell her myself.Please" "I won't tell her but what will I get in return.." "Whatever you want" "Ok pay for my Starbucks for a month." "Okay."

The car ride was silent between me and Kevin and Mia made herself comfortable and Andrew was stroking her hair with affection. I adore this couple now they look so cute together. I never thought I would ever say this. After we reached home Andrew helped me to put Mia to bed.
Kevin,"Can I talk to you for a minute Alexa." This is awkward, " Yes". "Umm I'm ...... I'm sorry." "For what?" "I shouldn't have seduced you in the closet." Now he is making me angry by repeating things. "Whatever Kevin." Why do this affects me. Huh and what does he mean that he can't even flirt with am I that bad looking. Ugh I don't understand boys. And Mia I'm gonna kill her. Oh but Andrew is so caring I hope he is the one for Mia.

I can't sleep all I can think about the incident in the closet today. I never felt the way before. After scrolling my instagram feed for almost almost 2 hour. My phone was finally out of charge but I still I can't sleep so I started counting stars from my window and then slept on the chair itself.


Hey Readers,
I hope you guys like this chapter.
My bestfriend crazyfrickinggemini is soon going to write her own book so don't forget to check it out.
Hope you have great day ahead. Keep reading.
Love you.
See yaa💫

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