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Mia's POV

"Are we there yet?" I asked. "Peaches for the last time no." He said calmly. I mean I know i'm annoying and all but can you blame me. He did not tell me where we are and then we are driving for at least an hour. Okay maybe i'm exaggerating. 

I started to sing to the song that was playing on the radio.

You'll be my Einstein, my Newton, my Galileo, and my Hawking
Boy, put that pep in my step
Put your arm on my neck while I'm walking
Please understand, I have fallen for you, you 
What, what you say?

And then the next thing I knew he joined me for the next part. So I quickly shut my mouth to hear him sing. 

Oh my god, baby baby don't you see-e-e
I got everythin' you ne-e-ed
O-only a genius could love a woman like me
Sayin' oh my god, baby baby don't you see-e-e
I got everything you ne-e-ed
O-o-only a genius could love a woman like me 
I'm a ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
He's a genius
'Cause I love a woman like you
I'm a ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
He's a genius
'Cause I love a woman like you 
Oh my god
Dot the I's and cross the T's
I got everything you ne-e-ed
Well, only a genius could love a woman like me
Oh my god
You're the lock and I'm the key-e-e
I got everything you ne-e-ed
Well, only a genius could love a woman like me 
Oh, oh
'Cause I love a woman like you
He's a genius
'Cause I love a woman like you.

After the song was finished he gave a breathtaking smile. Oh my god. 

Finally after what seemed like ages the car came to a halt. All I could see were the trees on both the sides and a beautiful lake in the middle of it.

 All I could see were the trees on both the sides and a beautiful lake in the middle of it

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The view was indeed beautiful. The moon was beautiful as always. I have always admired the moon for the beauty that it possessed. 

"This is so amazing Drew." I said looking at the nature in front of me. 

"I'm glad you liked it." He said smiling.

"Like it!? I fucking love it." I said.

Andrew took my hand and led me to a place that he had decorated with fairy lights and some blankets placed neatly on the ground and a picnic basket at the side. I was really happy to see the effort he had put in. 

"Thank you Drew." I said honestly. He smiled at me and we both sat on the blanket and just stared at each other for what seemed like ages. But I was happy. No one had ever taken me on a day like this. It made me feel special. 



"I think i'm falling for you.Hard and fast."

I literally had nothing to say. I turned my face to look at him and saw him already staring at me. 

I got up and went towards the lake and stared at the view in front of me.

"Andrew, love is not not just a feeling it's an emotion which can ruin you cause the person knows your every weakness and your biggest weakness is the person you love and also remember only a genius could love a women like me." I said while lifting my dress up and removing it, leaving me in my undergarments. I threw the dress at the side and before he could say anything I jumped in the lake. I was slowly sinking in. A pair of hands pulled me up to the surface. We both gasped for air. Andrew looked me in the eyes and said, "Then i'm ready to be ruined by you." 

The way he spoke those words sent a shiver down my spine. 

He slowly leaned in and planted his lips on mine.

When I opened the door of the house, the scene in front of me was so uncalled for. Andrew and I both looked at each other to make sure we weren't dreaming.

On the couch were jerk face and Lex both scooped up comfortably in a blanket and sleeping.

Lex's head was resting on Kevin's shoulder while Kevin had an arm draped over Lex's shoulder.

"I am so getting pictures of this." I said to Andrew.

He nodded at me. I quietly went in front of them and clicked several pictures of them.

I walked back to Andrew and suddenly I was pulled by my waist and to maintain my balance  I placed my hands firmly on his chest.

"Don't you think we should leave them alone." He said slowly.

"That's a very good idea." I said.

"So..........why don't you join me." he said.

"As much as i'm tempted I can't." I said pushing him away but he only tightened his grip on me.



"Good night." I said trying to push him away but he was damn to strong.

He leaned in closer and before he could kiss me on the lips I turned to my right and he kissed my cheek instead.

He groaned in annoyance and I quickly pushed him away. 

"Goodnight Drew. Dream of me." I said while pushing him out.

He said something under his breath which I couldn't decipher. 


Heyloo lovelies 

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter

Love you all


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