I want you back.

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Mia's POV
I was literally going crazy. We were back from our little trip to beach and jerk face and Lex were not in sight.
"I swear if I don't find him I'll create a mafia just to find him and then he wouldn't be so happy about taking Lex away from me." I yell in frustration.
Andrew is just as worried as everybody but he is by my side keeping me sane.
"Just breathe peaches." he says while kissing my forehead.
If I was not mad then I swear I would've melted right there.
I tried calling him and Lex but none of them picked my call.
Suddenly Andrew's face lits up as he looks at his phone.
I look at him and raise my eyebrow.
"Kevin is at our room and Alexa's sleeping and he thought that everybody was asleep so he also went to sleep." he explains.
I swear to god today is the last sleep he'll ever get.
I would go right now but Lex is sleeping soo..
Everybody leaves to go to their room and Lina gives me a hug.
"Are you okay?" Drew asks coming closer to me.
I just nod my head he smiles and I swear my heart dropped in my stomach in a good way.

I woke up because apparently nature's call can't wait.
I try to get up but Drew's grip only tightens on my waist.
I look at him and he looks at me smirking.
"peaches don't you think it's soon to leave me." he says.
I look at him and smile and then slowly raise my pinky finger and he looks at me confused before realizing and letting me go.
I do my business and then go out and see Drew's eyes close looking peaceful.
"Stop staring at me and come here." he says his eyes still closed.
How do GUYS do that. Can somebody teach me.
So I slowly got at the side of the bed and plop down.
He pulls me close to him and my phone buzzes and I look at the message but the person that sent it was the last person I wanted to even think of.
Tristan. (ass)
I want you back. I miss you:(

What the hell does he want now.
When Drew sees my mood change he quickly looks at my message.
"Your EX!!! What the hell does he want." he roars.
"I think he wants my children." I say as I roll my eyes.
He looks at me confused and it's kind of cute.
"He wants me back didn't you just read." I say.
He looks at me then again scowls.
"You're mine." he practically growls and storms out of the room.
I've never seen him angry but phew he looks HAWT.
"Why is your man so pissed the first thing in the morning." Lex says while yawning.
I sigh as she comes next to me.
Today we are suppose to leave back and Paul is going to propose to Lina and this was not suppose to happen.
I tell her and all the sleep vanishes from her eyes.
"Tristan texted you. The fuck. Ya'll just dated for like what a day." she says and scoffs.
I just shake my head and Lina comes rushing in.
I sigh again.

After everybody was ready and I encouraged Paul to propose her right now we were waiting for him to make  a move.
Drew had an arm possessively around my waist.
Oh again this morning when I met Kevin I punched him in the jaw.
He deserved it.
Finally Paul decided to do something.
He abruptly got up from his chair and we all looked at him watching curiously.
The T. V.  lit up with the message 'will you be my girlfriend? 'written on it and from somewhere he took out some flowers and was awkwardly standing in front of Lina.
The look on Lina's face was priceless so I snapped a photo.
After she realized she finally yelled a yes loudly and then Paul awkwardly leaned in to kiss her.
They were cute.

After going through the airport security and stuff. We finally sat in our seats.
Next to me was a very creepy looking dude who was constantly staring at me.
Drew came and asked the man to exchange seats but he refused.
So unfortunately today everybody was testing Andrew's patience.
"If you don't get up this instance this will be your last plane ride after we land of course." he said coldly while glaring at the man. The man scurried off to wherever Andrew's seat was.

He sat down and I leaned my head on his shoulders.
He was quiet and was thinking really hard about something.
"I am not going back to him if that's what you're thinking." I say while looking up to him.
He looks at me and sighs while kissing my forehead.
"I know but I don't know what I'll do to him once I hunt him down." he says.
"I never knew you had anger issues." I say while chuckling.
"Oh you don't know." he says while staring off into space.
I rest my head back on his shoulder while he strokes my hair.

Heylo everybody.

Honestly Tristan can go and suck a dick 🙂
Love you all.


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