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Alexa's POV:

So we finally are back home. Home sweet home. And you know what it's 24th December today which means tomorrow's Christmas and we are going home which is gonna be amazing. All are gonna be there David, Melaine, Matthew,my mom and dad and Mia's mom and dad. My mother insisted on bringing Kevin too but both the boys are going back home.

"Peaches,Alexa come down!" Andrew shouted.

"Coming" I and Mia hummed together.

We made our ways down to see two smiling boys.
"You know what Al." Kevin said excited.
"Well you have to feed the news."I  replied.
"Our parents are going to visit their school friends this year so we are coming with you girls at your place for Christmas. "Andrew informed winking at Mia.

"Oh this is great!"Mia said happily.

Rest of the day we prepared ourselves for tomorrow.

We all sat in Andrew's car for the ride at my and Mia's house. Andrew was driving and Mia beside her. I and Kevin in back. Everyone of us were listening to songs until my phone buzzed.

Tristan: Hey Alexa. Help me get back to Mia. I really miss her and love her. I'll do anything you want me to!

Me: Oh fuck off! Stay away from her or I'll gladly kill you. And you know that well that I'm capable of killing you.

Tristan: Come on don't be an ass bitch!

"Who is it babe?"Kevin asked.
"Its Lina."I lied.
I screenshoted the messages and sent them to Mia. Telling her to keep it a secret until Christmas ends.

We finally reached home. Mia knocked on the door. A minute later David opened it. He hugged Mia and Andrew face hardened a little and then he hugged me and Kevin responded the same way as Andrew until I spoke.
" Guys meet my younger brother David and David this is Kevin my boyfriend and Andrew Mia's boyfriend. "
They all greeted each other.
"If you guys hurt my sisters I'll not leave you alive. "I and Mia spanked his head together.
"Well bro we won't "Andrew replied.
We made our way inside only to find some guests there already.
"Oh my god." Kevin and Andrew said together.
"Mom dad what are you doing here?"Kevin asked.
I am really shocked right now.
"Well we should ask you the same dear. We already informed you about visiting our friends. "A lady almost my mother's age said whom I assume to be Kevin's mother.

My mother and Mia's mother came. My mother hugged Mia first and Mia's mother hugged me first. This is always the case and my mother hugged me.
"Well mom meet Kevin my boyfriend."
"Hello Kevin."
"Hello Mrs. Stone. Nice to meet you."
"Oh please call me Amelia and meet my husband. Stephen come here."
"Hello Mr. Stone. Nice meeting you."
On the other hand Andrew were having the same conversation with Andrew's mom.
"Oh dear call me Isabelle. "
"Uh ok ."Mia replied politely.
"Meet my  Mom and dad Al."Kevin introduced me to his parents.
"Hello Mr and Mrs. Kent. It's glad to finally meet you."
"Oh dear call me Sofia. You look beautiful just like your mother back then." Kevin mother complimented me.
"Thanks Sofia."

We all made our way to couch and found Matthew and Melaine.
"Finally you girls are here now we can  finally exchange gifts. "Melaine said hugging me and Mia. Well Mathew was pretty busy playing game still he waved towards us then he saw Andrew and glared him.
"Who is this other guy? "Mathew asked pointing at Kevin.
"Oh meet my boyfriend and Kevin meet Mia's brother."I said .
They shook hands and now Mathew is glaring both Andrew and Kevin.
"Come on let's exchange gifts."Mia's father said.
"Yes Sebastian I'll  distribute them like always. "I said. Well it's my job.
"Yes ofcourse lex."He said.

We all exchanged gifts. My mom and dad gave me a black BMW. Yeah a car and now threatened me to learn driving. Mia's mom and dad gave me and Mia a whole collection of novels and books. Mr and Mrs Kent gave me and Mia makeup set. Andrew's mom gave us watches. Mathew gave us a gift card and Dav gaves us chocolates.
Mia gave me dresses, you can say an entire closet. Andrew gave me some sneakers and Kevin gave me a pendant of a diamond stone on it.
I gave Mia some clothes and 1 year free membership of McDonald's. I gave my mom dad cups quoting 'Best mom and Best Dad.' I gave matching hoodies to David, Mathew ,Andrew and Kevin. I gave Mia's parent's cups quoting 'Best uncle and Best aunt'. Well I was surprised to see kevins parents so I gave them matching charm bands I bought for mom and dad and I gave Andrew's mom brooch I had bought for Mia's mom. Melaine gave me and Mia hoodies and I gave her a makeup set cause she love makeup.

After having lunch parents decided to chat in living room so all of us youngsters went into game room. Well boys are getting along now. I didn't they would get comfortable this fast. We settled on watching movies.
While everyone were watching the movie Andrew kissed Mia on cheek and Dav and Mathew noticed them.
"You don't kiss our sister in front of us" both of them yelled together.
"Ok"Andrew said lifting his hand in surrender position and everyone burst into fits of laughter.

"Al  can we go somewhere else for 5 minutes."Kevin said in my ears. His breath fanning my neck lightly.
"W--why?"I asked stuttering from his breath.
"I wanna talk to you."
I took him to the backyard. I was worried at the moment what is he gonna talk about.
"Say kev."I asked.
"Well it's been awhile that I'm dating you. Now I know you are the one I can spend my whole life with. I promise you are always going to be the girl I'm gonna look with love at irrelevant of my past. Until I propose you to marry me please wear my promise ring." Kevin proposed and I could only nod in answer. Then he slipped the ring in my ring finger and we hugged each other. We broke the hug when someone cleared their throat. And then each member of house standing there and now I know I'm as red as tomato now. "Well did you guys hear everything "Kevin asked scratching back of his neck awkwardly.
"Well we did." Kevin mom replied.


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