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I walked calmly along the footpath leading towards the tower adjacent to the beach, breathing in the fresh salty air and enjoying the soft lapping of the ocean against the golden sand. I spotted Sam, one of my fellow volunteer lifeguards that I had gotten to know over the past few months and called out to him. 

He squinted as he looked up, eyes searching around until he landed on me and waved. I trotted towards him and noticed he was setting up some of the clubbies' gear. 

"Hey Sam!" 

"Morning Cam, I've got your boardies and top here if you wanna put them on." 

He handed me the familiar pair of bright red shorts and garish yellow long sleeved top. I thanked him and walked over to the tower toilets to get changed. A few of the permanent lifeguards were setting up the window shutters, and a tall blonde looked over to me as I neared. 


I glanced up over at the group of men, placing a smile on my face.


"You new here clubbie?" The same blonde asked and I noticed a star tattoo peaking out from underneath his crinkled blue shirt. 

"Yep, starting today, just transferred from Byron Bay." 

He put his hand up to shade his eyes and grinned, "Well good luck, 's gonna be a scorcher. I'm Maxi by the way." 

"Cam." I shook his hand and a smaller brunette appeared from the unlocked tower, obviously looking for Maxi in front of me.

"Oh this is Jesse." Maxi stated and I warmly smiled at the lifeguard and shook his hand whilst introducing yourself. 

"Really nice to meet you but i need to go get changed, i'll see you around?

"Yep!" Maxi and Jesse replied, waving as you walked to the toilets and lockers. 


I found Hoppo once I had changed, easily spotting his blue shirt amongst all the yellow clubbies. 


"Hiya Cam! Excited for your first day?"

"Yep, raring to go!"

Hoppo chuckled and pointed towards a group of clubbies standing a little distance away, "Good, well you're stationed with Sam today so head over with him to north end. I saw you chatting to a few of the boys at the tower earlier and I hope they behaved, they have a tendency to mock clubbies. Anyway, good luck, I'm positive you won't need it but just do your best and I'm happy."

You chuckled at the feeble rivalry between the clubbies and lifeguards, thanking Hoppo before finding Sam.


Soon, the day was in full swing and thousands of people dotted the beach. Sam had already done a few rescues and I had assisted in helping him get one back to the beach.  I was standing beside him, chatting about my previous service when I spotted a struggling girl about half way out. 

She looked like she was panicking and I scanned the water arond her, no one having noticed her. I quickly grabbed my board and ran across the sand towards her, paddling as fast as I could once I reached the waves. I got to her quickly and grabbed her hand, pulling her onto my board. 

"Face the front, and slide down!" I said loudly, helping her to adjust herself on the large board. 

She did as she was told and rested her cheek on the flat surface, breathing heavily, trying to get as much oxygen in her body as possible. I paddled back quickly, my arms tingling with adrenaline and the effort from sccoping the water. As soon as we got further in, I slid off the board and helped the girl walk in to a distraught mother. 

"Thankyou so much, I can't believe it, thankyou for saving her." She gushed as the girl hugged her tightly. 

"No worries, just keep an eye on her next time and try to stay in the shallows." I replied, and they thanked me again before I headed back to Sam. 

"Well done cam that was a really good save." He stated and I beamed with pride as a warm spread throughout my body. 


The day went by quickly and I did a couple more rescues, beaten to a few by the blue boys. I was currently standing next to Sam with Hoppo, chatting about the day and my experience. 

"I'm really proud of you Cameron, you did a really good job today and the rescues were strong." 

"Thanks Hoppo, I enjoyed today, it was hard work but I'm proud." He nodded and went off to clear up with the other clubbies.

I was walking back towards the locker room when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Maxi slowing his jog beside me.

"Hey, how was your first day?" He asked, walking with me up the sandy path.

"Really good, I already feel so at home here."

"That's great, the boys in the tower wanna meet you after spotting you doing some rescues earlier. If you don't mind you can come up and say hello?" Maxi offered, stopping by the balcony section of the tower. 

"I'd love to." I reply, curious to see who worked here.


Maxi pushed open the door and ushered me in, placing a pair of binoculars on a table. 

"Hey boys! This is Cam, she's the new clubbie I was talking about." Maxi announced, stepping to one side. 

I waved shyly around the room, all the boys saying hi.

"This is Yatesy, Kerrbox, Chappo, Reidy and Deano." Maxi introduced the men and I smiled at their nicknames. 

"I should get going but it was lovely to meet you all!" I said, all the boys responding with similar gestures of goodbye. 

Maxi walked me out of the tower, stopping by the railing and leaning his tanned arms on the cool metal. "I'll see you tomorrow Cam, have a nice evening!" 

I nodded and waved at him, "Bye Maxi, thanks for introducing me to some of the guys, see you later!"

BONDI RESCUE - HARRISON REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now