Chapter 11

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The heart of mine

I saw my sister, but she was small, and I saw my mother. I looked into the mirror, I am once again young. No, I am not this much young. It must be just a dream. I heard a frightened scream from the next room. I ran out and saw my sister frightened sitting in one corner of the room.

I hugged her tightly as her eyes filled with water. She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. "What happened sis?" I asked and she pointed in the direction on mom and dad's room. I can see the shadows on the walls. "I am afraid Sammy"

I slowly stoked her head as I closed the door leaning against it with my all body weight. My hand reached the lock and I closed it. "it's ok I will protect you Rosa" I whispered. "Promise you will never leave me alone?" She held up her pinkie and I crossed it with mine. "Promise, I will never leave you again alone sis".

My eyes opened, I saw the time still just little after three in the morning. Those horrible nightmares are started again. I thought I was through it but now, I don't know anything about what is real and what is not. It feels like I am fighting in vein and there is nothing I can do to help.

It is been very long time since I had been reminded of something of my past. I remember clearly those horrible screams of my mother as she tried to protect me. Then too he never liked me. My father had always resented me. Then too I didn't understand why, now I too don't understand why he always wanted to control me, control my every single move.

I just understood it a little too late. I remember how my success wasn't enough for him. After mom and Rosa left, for good, he always had been so harsh on me. Whatever I did, never impressed him. 

Nothing I did was ever good enough for him, nothing was ever enough for him. Seems like he was never happy for me. And I wonder why? What I have ever deserve for his resentment? What I ever did that had hurt him this much?

I don't understand

I remembered when he held memorial service for my mother and my sister, I had known that they had died in a fatal car accident, I never knew she left until recently when his friend blurted out about them being well and alive. I have a sneaking suspicion that he was just telling me this because I stumbled upon my sister's and mother's medical reports and they are quite alright.

I saw he was keeping tabs on them for some years but then their records have vanished as if they never existed. And then when I decided to confront my father when I reached home, I saw her with my father Ursula, that sea witch, and he just laughed at that, just laughed.

I can never forget how he had played me. Right from the beginning, I just wanted my family back, and that didn't helped that he told this lie to me, how could he just lie to me that way? I don't understand still his resentment and his negativity is coming from? Maybe I can never understand why he did that.

Why me?

I walked towards my kitchen and heard another set of footsteps. I stopped and looked at Miss Morgan, she was a beauty of unprecedented match up. Her hairs flowed wildly as she looked out towards the city from the balcony. She was holding a cup in her hand. Could it be that she too couldn't sleep?

"There is another cup of tea, if you like it. It helps me sleep" How does she know that I was having a nightmare? Was she watching me? I don't know. "Who said I needed anything from you?" I asked. "I just made an extra cup, that is why I told you. Anyway, thank you for the food Mr. King. It was delicious, good night." What she thinks I am? Some kind of monster? I know my responsibilities as a husband.

She walked back towards her room. I held her hand she gasped. "I think you have forgotten that I am your husband Miss Morgan and as that you have some responsibilities to take care of." She took my hand off her arm and started to walk away again. This time I have pulled her towards me harshly. She moaned almost inaudibly as she had before when I pulled her towards me.

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