Chapter 39

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The final frontier

Ursula drove towards the sack I don't even remembered visiting, maybe he knows that too and that is why he had chosen this place so that I can never ever find it in time. He knew very well that I will have no recollection of this place, no memories nothing.

"Ursula, he had known that no matter what happens I will never remember her being here, because I didn't really have the recollection that she was your sister back then. I didn't even remember about your sister till I learned who she was in reality." I said. "And yet you claim to love her, how sad."

"Ok, my bad, I should have thought it through." I said. "Don't feel bad Samuel, one can only be smart as their brain size" She joked. "you haven't changed a bit" I said. "No, I am still Ursula the sea witch. I don't know how I can change and why on earth I insisted on watching the little mermaid ever with you on our first date"

"Because you wanted the fairy tale to come true like so many others." I said. "Maybe I was naïve like all the other girls before me. I never thought I will become like that, I was just hopeless, and then I became hopeless romantic, I have fallen for you. It was late I wish I had realized it sooner, maybe our lives haven't become a mess then" Oh Ursula, I should have known, I should have not judged you so harshly before.

"Stop making that face like someone had died" She said. "Ursula I am..." "Don't say sorry, it will break my heart. You know I cannot handle goodbyes or shabby faces." She said. And then she stopped the car. "We are here, and before we go in I just want to do one last thing" Before I can ask what she placed a kiss on my lips.

My hands wrapped around her and I pulled her close kissing her back. Why? I too don't know, I just felt like it. Ursula held my shirt collar. Pulling me closer to her. Then she pulled back. And then placed another kiss on my lips this time a sweet and short one. "Just in case, I cannot do this ever again, this is for memory, last one is for good luck" I remember, she did that before my every big project ever.

"And don't ever hurt my baby sister, or I will incinerate you. Now, let's go your girlfriend might not have much time." She said. And then got out of the car. I walked out too after checking my weapon. "Since when you started keeping firearms?" She asked. "It was a gift from an enemy of mine, whose heart I broke." I joked. "Oh, how many are on that list?" She asked.

"Not many, but there are few who holds the grudge." She stopped at a distance hiding behind a rock. "Well you know what they say Samuel, if you don't live in someone's hate list, you must have been doing something wrong" I smiled. Same old Ursula, with same old jokes. "You and your philosophies, never changed and never gets old." I said.

"Two guards patrolling this area, and they move at five second intervals," She said. "You calculated the time?" I asked. "I calculated the range too" and then she revealed the gun she had been hiding. She put a silencer on the gun and shot the first one. "Hey, what you done that for?" I asked. "To buy you little time. Now he will call for reinforcement and then he will look for the killer, I will distract him and you walk inside and see if Katie and my son is there." I nodded.

She ran out of her hiding place and as predicted the guard too ran after her. "hey stop" the guard said. "Ok then, it is my turn to play the hero" I said to myself and ran towards the sack. When I reach there, I saw it was bolted tight. Ok then, I have to force my way in. And I am not hesitating in that.

I pulled back and shot the lock it fell open. I opened the sack and walked inside. I looked around to find there was nothing inside, so why they were guarding the place? There is something here, someone here. I know, I just have to search for it. I looked around for a little more time and found a trap door, a false wall and I stuck it with a piece of stone. So it remained open halfway. I walked in find a small light hanging in the middle.

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