Chapter 23

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Strike Three, you are out of here

My eyes opened to a beautiful sight in front of me, my darling wife. And she was looking at me straight. "What is that you looking at beautiful?" I asked. "You? Can't I ogle my own husband?" I laughed. "Ogle away my love who had stopped you?" I asked. "No one, No one can stop me, you know why? Because you are just mine" She told me kissing me. 

I groaned, "Baby, I need to go, remember I have a billion-dollar empire to run? And you have to take care of yourself, because there aren't many days left to your delivery and me meeting my baby girl." I said.

We are back and the operations were running very smoothly from my side. Word in the air is Prince's are losing their share rates fast as little by little their supporters pulling out. The building blocks are falling down. One by one, soon there wont be anything supporting the structure, nothing to keep it from crumbling. What to say when you are rotting from within, nothing can prevent you from falling down can it? No nothing can prevent your ultimate demise.

"Let me help you with it" Iris said holding my tie in place. And brushing the crease from my shirt. "What is it hermosa, you seem sad" I asked. "It's just last few months have been like a fairy tale this makes me fear my reality. So much, sometimes, I get confuse what is real and what is not." I touched her face tenderly.

"Don't think like that love, I am here am I not? And that means nothing bad will happen to you or our baby girl." She looked down and I felt tear drops on my hand. I pulled her face up and saw her beautiful eyes were lined with tears. "Hey what is it that is bothering you my love?" I asked. "What if protecting me will harm you? I don't want anything bad happen to you. I have lost too many people from my life. I don't want to lose another one." She said.

"Look at me baby" I whispered. She looked at me and I wiped her tears. "You are with me right?" I asked. She nodded not saying a word "Then nothing can take me away from you, at the end of the day I will return back to you in your arms safe and sound. That is a promise, you are not going to lose me. You will not lose anyone else from your life I promise." I said kissing her forehead and then kissing her lips.

As I was going through the files I heard a knock. I looked up and it was David. He knows better then to come here. Because it can and will jeopardize his safety and Katie's it is the last thing I want to happen. "I am here in behalf of Mr. Prince." He said. I nodded and told him to take a seat. He touched his collar. So, he is bugged, huh, he thinks he can intimidate me?

"State what is that my good for nothing father wants?" I asked. "He told me to give you a last opportunity to reconcile and amend things between you two" I placed my hands on the desk leaning over them. "What if I say no?" I asked looking straight into his eyes. Even if he is listening, he should know this very well, I am never going to surrender.

Not to him, not for anything, he is a just someone who wants to ruin me and I am not giving him the satisfaction for anything.

"Then he says you should be ready to face the consequences Mr. King, because he is not letting it go this time. He will strike you where you are most vulnerable." Like he can anymore. Like he can touch me. If he can anymore, he doesn't know that he is playing into my hands. Right into them, and I am the one controlling the game.

"Oh is that so?" I asked. "Should I be shivering in my boots?" He didn't said a word. What is it father are you afraid? "All I can say is Mr. King you should comply if not things might not well end up in your favor" He said. I pretend to think. "Fine, I will meet him, but I will meet him on my own terms." I told him. "He is ready Mr. King, you should name the place and date." I nodded.

"Tomorrow at ten in his conference room, with all his board members." I said. "He said what he wish to talk to you about doesn't requires his board members." I smiled "I know you are listening..." I paused "Father, and you want to have them for what I have to say, trust me it will only benefit you." I looked at David's face. "He says he accept your condition" he cannot have choice but to accept my demands. "Then I shall she him tomorrow at ten"

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