Chapter 10

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Heart of Ice

The plane landed as schedule. I saw her cooped up in a corner still dressed as a bride. I had provided the attendant with clothes suitable for her but she didn't exactly appreciate my efforts. Oh well, she never did appreciate anything I did what will make her do it now? But what bothering me was she was silent, very silent.

"We are here" She almost jumped but then as she saw me she returned to her impassive self. She walked towards the exit not saying a word. It was as if she was functioning as a machine, not really caring what is happening around her. She walked in and I followed behind. It was as if she wasn't aware of her surroundings at all.

"That will be your room Miss Morgan" She walked in not locking the door. What is going on exactly? "Come to the office after you are done, we need to discuss somethings." I didn't waited for her to answer me. I have much to do then to sit here ideally and spend my time with her.

Something you have loved before

Not anymore, I have just took her here so that she can pay for what she had done to me. I poured myself a drink when she entered. She stood in front of me, now not wearing her dress but a t-shirt and shorts. She looked at the glass and then at me.

"Did anyone told you that you should knock before you enter?" I asked her. "I thought it was alright seeing it was open and..." I put the glass down with such a force that it broke and she jumped in fright. She is afraid of me, that is good. "I....I am sorry" She shuttered. "I don't think you are really sorry Miss Morgan. I don't think you understand the meaning of the word itself."

"I...I..." I held my hand up. "Don't bother Miss Morgan. There is nothing you will say is going to interest me any way. First things first you will to be in this house all the time, you will not leave it without my permission. And if you try I will know." She looked at the floor not saying a word. "Second thing you will not going to go anywhere not even the hospital"

She looked at me shocked. Oh no you don't, you love going to hospital and treating kids I know that very well and the things that can provide you happiness will something you cannot have. "But..." "I wasn't finished yet Miss Morgan, do not interrupt me from the next time while I am talking." Thankfully she didn't protested much about that.

"Third thing Miss Morgan is you to perform every wifely duty in home, while I am here you will have your undivided attention towards me and my needs. I think you know exactly how it works, it is what all trophy wives do, they do not have any emotional attachment to their other halves, only physical. It will what we have."

She was now looking pale, she was afraid but of what? "Next thing Miss Morgan is you are here for my pleasure only. Remember I don't care about you more than a regular acquintence. But for next few years we are to share same house and same bed. So we better just take the advantage out of situation fulfil our selfish desires. I know how much you like that. Because that is something you have done from the beginning."

"Please don't say..." "no... just let me talk and you will listen Miss Morgan." I said and her eyes watered more. This is just the beginning. Just starting of her eternal punishment. "Next Miss Morgan if we conceive a child accidently you will have no right on it." Her eyes widen. "Nor do you ever claim to be their mother. Right now you do not even close to hold a position of a mistress in my life. So, they will never know that you exist."

I saw her palms were balled in fists as if she was trying to control herself and her anger, but nothing seems to be working for her. "Sign these papers Miss Morgan." I placed a file in front of her. "Before you ask what it is, It is a contract to keep me safe from you and your wicked ways. I should have done this before hand but then I was a fool. I thought if I do good for people, people will do the same for me. How wrong I was that I didn't see that some people are wicked and no matter how good you are that goodness doesn't save you from their wrath."

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