Chapter 36

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Hidden truths

Iris held my hand tightly, "Sam, I am not brave" I chuckled "That's so wrong baby, you are one of the bravest people I know." She shook her head in no. "Hey, look at me baby," I whispered softly, her eyes looked so frightened. "We are going to make it, alright? We are going to make it, no matter what." I said.

The plane shook as the wind threatened to break it apart. The winds are very strong today an d without navigation intact I was just praying for a water slide rather than a huge mountain ride. I do not want my mother to suffer, I do not want my Iris to suffer, I do not want my princess to became an orphan.

"Brace yourself Sir" I heard on to the intercom. I held Iris close shielding her with my body. As the plane made nose dive towards the earth. It shook violently. I felt Iris shivering. "It's aright baby, it will be alright. I am here, right next to you. We are together. We are here" I whispered into her ear.

The plane hit the surface of something hard and we almost hit the roof, but my body shielded hers. The part of the metal flew away revealing the outside. We were no longer in air but we were not slowing down much. I saw it was about to run straight into trees. I hugged her tighter. She hugged me too. "I love you" I said. "I love you too always" She said as we braced ourselves for the impact.

My eyes opened in a white room, I am in a hospital. Where is Iris? I need to see my wife. "So, you woke up Mr. Samuel King, the pilot had given us details about you." I saw the doctor looking at me. "Doctor where is my wife?" I asked. "Steady, first before I tell you that, tell me are you in pain?" He asked. "Yes, a little bit but nothing sevre." I said.

"That is wonderful seeing the damage that you did suffered." Damage? "If broken bones, punctured lung, dislocated collar bone doesn't cover it than I don't know what will. It is a blessing that you are alive." He said. I know, it is not a blessing but a curse upon me and my family. "M...My wife" He walked out and then a very distorted Iris came in.

Her eyes watered and she hit me hard on chest. "You stupid, foolish, dumb, downright idiot, crazy," She started to cry. "baby, hey I am alright. I am fine. I am here, haven't I told you we will get through that together?" I asked. 

"It didn't involve you making yourself a human shield in order to protect me." She said still crying. I hugged her tighter against me. "Ok no more human shield, stop crying hermosa," "I hate you Samuel Richard King, you think you are expendable? Your life have no value? No one will be effected when you die?" She asked. She is angry, again.

"You know, I know you love me, and those words are just your anger speaking." I saw someone else come in. "Mom? You are here?" I asked. "Nono, what have you done with yourself this time?" She asked "meh, just trying to stop a plane from breaking apart and take everyone with it." She shook her head. "Sam, this is not funny you could have died, and this girl here would have continued to blame herself for rest of her life." I softly stroked Iris's hair. 

"How long I was out for?" I asked. "Almost a week, and no one was happy that it happened. Lucian specially felt he was responsible, even with doing every possible checkups one humanly can, this still happened." My mother said. "Mom, Lucian is not responsible. Other than claiming the property damage, the plane accident was not his fault. It happens." I tried to reassure her making a note that I needed to call Lucian soon.

"I do not think it was just a fluke accident, not this, not was the fire in your hospital, nothing was a mere fluke accident in your life Samuel." My mother said. Iris sat up listening to her. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Not here, first let get him out of hospital dear, the doctor did said he will keep in in twenty four hours of observation. And then we can take him home. After that I will tell you." My mother said.

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