Chapter 40

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I saw the bullet rushed through the air and towards me slicing the air. Someone came rushing towards me and held me tightly. Someone I never thought who could sacrifice herself for me. "Ursula" I shouted. I saw her holding me tightly as the bullet pierced her back. "No, what have you done, what have you done?"

She was bleeding badly, I need to get her to the hospital. "No, I will not survive this, I know, just hold me in your arms like you did many times before, let me be with my love, I just wish for you to have a happy life ahead." "Stop talking nonsense Ursula, I am not letting you die"

"Ursula," I saw Iris fell on the floor next to her sister. "You foolish, foolish woman" "Why so glum? You know I hate that expression You know I cannot handle goodbyes or shabby faces." Oh Ursula. "Don't cry, it isn't a goodbye, just promise you will take care of each other and find my son"

I held her hand. "Don't let him ever find out he isn't yours, I am a chapter that shall never be opened again, I don't want to taint my son with my darkness, Samuel, you will be a good father for him promise me, Promise you will raise my Axton well, promise me, you will raise him as your gone, give him..." She coughed blood.

"No, Ursula, please let me save you, please, let me..." I cried. That bastard, how dare he? How dare he hurt her this way? "Give him your name Samuel, will you not do that for me?" She asked. "Yes, yes, I will. I will raise him as my own. I promise, I promise." I said. "Then, I will see you again some time. I will see you from wherever I am going to. And I am going to break some hearts there"

Iris gave her a smile. "You will rock in that sis," She said while taking her other hand. "you know what I regret? I regret not seeing my sister wearing the white dress and be the maid of honor. I regret that very much," Iris's eyes watered. "Samuel can I tell you a truth?" "Anything," I said. "I secretly wished to be the Princess Ariel, and have my Prince Eric marry me. I almost had that wish to."

My eyes watered. "Maybe in next life if you are not busy, be my Prince Eric?" I smiled as my eyes watered. It was so painful. The pain in my leg wasn't anything now compared to the pain in my chest. "Damn, this hurts bad, it is the worst way to go, and do not organize any sorrowful party, or give a sappy speech or I am going to haunt your dreams." She said

Her breath quicken, "Ursula," Iris shouted. "This isn't a goodbye Iris, I am finally paying for my sins, and I am have paid for them now, I am going to be in peace, in peace. I will be with the one I love. My husband, he is waiting for me. He is waiting..." Her breathing stopped and she fell lip into my arms still smiling.

"Ursula," I shook her. "Ursula..." No, no, no. She died and she saved me. She had saved me. I closed her eyes. "Samuel, you are bleeding." I heard someone say, but everything was numb. I have only one thing left to do. I stood up limping and walked towards him. He was held by the detectives and Lucian. Landon rushed towards Iris and Urusla's now cold lifeless body. I punched him. "You have taken her away, you killed her."

"I didn't, you did, that bullet was meant for you, if you have died everyone would have been happy. You haven't gotten it have you? You are an abomination. You are responsible for running lives, you are..." I punched him again. "Where is my son, where is Axton," He laughed. "You will never ever have her, you will..."

"Shut up, shut the hell up, I will kill you with my bare hands." I said. "No, he is not worth it, besides there is a way to break every man, I know what is his weakness." I don't know what Lucian was talking about. But I do trust him on this. Beside my family needs me now. I moved towards Iris suddenly I felt like there was no strength left in my legs and I find myself falling down. I heard there voices but all I saw was black in my vision and then those voices faded like the life in me.

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