Part 1

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Finally, I could just sit and do nothing but watch soap operas and eat potato chips. My lazy weekend. I've been working too much on my school work, i just need some rest. As I find a comfortable position on mu couch, I hear a knocking on the door.

"Open the door Sarah!" Maddy screamed.

I lethargically walked to the door and swung it open.

"What is it?" I said irritated.

"One Direction are going to be in town this week. You know what that means." Maddy said enthusiastically.

"No lazy weekend?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"No lazy weekend. Now c'mon. Get ready to go to the mall. We have to look fashionable if we meet the boys." She said shoving me up the stairs.

I throw on a pair of jeans and a tank top. I run back downstairs to Maddy honking her horn. We drive to the mall and go straight to Delia's. the one stop for all your fashionable One Direction merchandise.

"How does this look on me?" Maddy asked holding a top over herself.

"Everything looks gorgeous on you Maddy." I replied.

It was true. Maddy is absolutely beautiful. She has light shimmering brown hair, perfect colored skin, and gorgeous blue eyes that remind me of Niall. And me? I'm a average girl with nothing special. I have dark brown hair, lightly tanned skin, and green eyes.

"You're gorgeous too. Now wait for me while I go try this on." She says as she scurries off to the nearest dressing room.

I start to look through the racks of clothing. Suddenly I hear pounding of feet and screams. They come even closer. Then someone runs into the store and collapses on top of me.

"I'm so so so sorry love." He says getting up.

It can't be. It can't. But when I opened my eyes, it was.

He extends his hand in my direction and I take gratefully.

"Aren't you that boy from White Eskimo?" I ask.

"Why yes I am." He answers jokingly.

"So what are you doing here?" I ask trying to start a conversation.

"Checking out how the merchandise is doing." Harry replies

He was funnier than I thought. Then 4 more of the most handsome boys on earth ran into the store.

"We've been looking everywhere for you Harry." Liam said panting.

Zayn looks up at me. "Who's your friend?" He says pointing at me.

"Actually I didn't catch your name love." Harry says.

"I'm Sarah." I say a bit shy.

"Beautiful name." Zayn says.

I feel myself turning red.

"Sarah, how does this l-" she stops in her tracks as she sees the 5 boys standing next to me.

"Hub-b-b-b. Y-y-you're One Direction." Maddy stutters.

"This a friend of yours?" Louis asks.

"It sure is. Maddy, One Direction. One Direction, Maddy." I say.

Maddy waves shyly towards them and they all wave back.

"Nice to meet you." Niall says.

"Would you ladies care to go somewhere other than the mall with us?" Harry offers.

I look towards Maddy and she nods her head furiously.

"Sure why not." I answer.

So much better than a lazy weekend.


A/N: Hey everyone. This is my first fan fic so comment if you liked it and give some ideas if you like. No hate please. Probably not the quickest updates but I'll try. Thanks for reading!

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