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haechan was late.
of course he was, he always was. but he just couldn't be bothered. he ignored his roommates loud voice that told him to hurry and took his time in the bathroom. renjun could be mad annoying when he was tired but haechan was already used to it. the two had been friends for ages and with another two friends of them, jaemin and jeno, they had their own little friend group. it was always chaotic when the four guys were together but haechan did not regret his choice in friends at all. he loved chaotic.

after a quick breakfast he jumped into his car and drove to the big building which was now where he worked.

it was a normal desk job, just filling out papers and stuff. haechan was actually surprised how easily he had managed the job interview which had been about three weeks ago. ever since then he bought some suits and made himself more familiar with computers. not that he wasn't familiar with them before but practicing his skills couldn't hurt. he also tried to deepen his english skills but only with medium success. he knew the basics but he doubted wether it was enough for a full on business conversation. probably not. at least he tried.

he parked his car on one if the parking lots assigned to the employees. his tie suddenly felt really tight around his neck and he opened it up by an inch. he gulped at the sight of the building, now that he was standing right in front of if it, it seemed gigantic. last time he had been here it didn't feel that big. he took one last breath before entering the lobby. he turned to one of the receptionists.

"good morning. i'm lee haechan, i was wondering which story i had to go to. it's my first day" he introduced himself.

"nice to meet you mr. lee. you've been registered as mr. lee's secretary. he will pick you up and show you around." the man said, his name tag introducing him as kim jungwoo."

"thank you very much, mr. kim." haechan said and bowed slightly. the other man laughed and replied "you're welcome. just call me jungwoo, everyone does!"

"okay, jungwoo." haechan said and looked up again at the man. he looked adorable but despite his puppy-like features he seemed very businesslike and haechan wondered how he would look when mad. the boy just hoped to never find out.

"look! there is mr. lee." jungwoo said and nodded to haechans right. two men were walking there, one slightly taller than the other. both were really handsome. the one man had his arms around the others shoulders.

"good morning, mr. nakamoto, mr. lee." jungwoo said happily and slightly bowed his head.

"good morning jungwoo." one of the man said, bowing his head as well.

his hair was red and in a ponytail with some bobby pins on the sides. haechan immediately hoped this would be mr. lee, his new boss. the guy didn't look like he belonged here, especially in a suit. haechan could easily imagine him in all black, high end clothes on a skateboard. the man next to him meanwhile looked like he was made to wear a suit. he had black hair and high cheekbones. his face seemed cold and distant but whenever he looked at the red haired guy his eyes would warm up a little but, proving that there was at least a bit of humanity in him.

"how have you been, jungwoo?" the red-haired guy asked.

"great. what about you, mr. nakamoto?" jungwoo replied. haechans heart sunk. if red-hair was mr. nakamoto then that meant that the other guy was mr. lee. haechan easily admitted to himself that he was disappointed. mr. nakamoto seemed like such a cool guy. he also happened to have a bright smile which he now showed at jungwoo.

"i've been amazing as well. mark and me are here to pick up his secretary. you wouldn't know where he is, would you?" he asked. jungwoo giggled and pointed at haechan.

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