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the next weeks practically flew by as mark took his spot as the new ceo of the company. somehow he had succeeded to make haechan his secretary again, so that at least the two could catch glimpses of each other.

still, they saw each other way less than before. this bummed haechan out which didn't go unnoticed by the others.

"haechan-ah, are you alright?" yuta asked him while packing his things. it was a hot thursday afternoon.

"yeah, i'm fine. i'm just tired out because of this stupid report about our incomes in may." haechan replied as he typed in numbers into the file he had been working on for hours.

"and you miss mark." yuta said with a smile.

"how did you know?" haechan asked surprised.

"oh please. literally anyone could see how much you and mark like each other. he's not even that close with johnny and the two have known each other for ages." yuta explained.

"yeah, i miss him. but he's very busy so it's not his fault." haechan replied. yuta nodded while swinging his jacket over his shoulder.

the japanese appearance had changed since the first time they saw each other. his hair wasn't red anymore, instead a light brown and it was cut shorter than before as well. but it suited yuta and when he smiled he looked like an angel.

with exactly one of these smiles yuta said "i would suggest you check in with mark. he has something to tell you."

"what about?" haechan questioned with raised eyebrows but yuta just shrugged and mumbled "i don't know. anyways i'm gonna go, see ya."

"goodbye." haechan smiled and waved at him before standing up and walking to mark's office.

of course, he was curious what mark wanted to talk about. as far as he knew everything was alright. when he entered the office, mark was sitting at his desk.

as he wasn't noticed by mark haechan cleared his throat and said "uhm hi." mark looked up to him and as soon as their eyes met both men started smiling.

"you called?" haechan asked and mark nodded in response.
"i have a little surprise for you." the older man said and stood up to walk around his desk and stand in front of haechan. the latter's eyes started sparkling in excitement.

"what is it?" he happily asked. his nose scrunched up and mark couldn't help but coo at that sight.

"tomorrow afternoon i'm going to take you on a trip, that's if you want of course." he said. haechan raised his eyebrows and asked curiously "are you kidding? of course i want to. where are we going?"

"well, that's a secret." mark said with a wink. haechan whined and tried to get the answer out of mark but the man wouldn't budge.

"i won't tell you, don't bother." he said and gave haechan a peck on the nose. "now go back to work. i'll pick you up tomorrow at eight." he continued after. haechan pouted but complied, stealing one last kiss from mark before exiting the office.

he strolled back to his desk, now in a way better mood than before. first, he had seen mark again and also got some kisses and second, he was very happy and excited for the trip.

for the rest of the day and also following morning he kept his mind busy with thoughts like what he should pack, where they would go and what they would do.

all these questions were answered after mark had picked him up at his apartment. it was friday evening, the air was warm and the sun was slowly settling over the skyline of seoul.

as soon as haechan heard the door ring he sprinted out of his room and past renjun who looked up in confusion.

"are we expecting someone?" the chinese asked.
"i am, it's mark." haechan replied. renjun made an oh-sound and returned his attention to his phone where he was currently texting his boyfriends.

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