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(a/n: say the name!)

it was in the weeks following after mark's revelations that the two started to actually do more outside of work.

haechan would often find himself to go out for a beer after his working days with the men from his office, including mark. it became more and more likely that not only haechan would get drunk and cling onto mark but also that the two of them would stay the night in mark's apartment.

while this didn't seem to raise any problems for mark it did for haechan. the latter felt guilty and pitied akira and would also feel awkward when working with mark inside the office as he was now used to talk to the elder male in a nonprofessional way. especially since said male would randomly start flirting with haechan. even though flattering, this fact caused haechan's heart to beat way faster than it should while working.

over time haechan and mark grew closer and this had been noticed by others. not only yuta but doyoung, sicheng and taeyong had all been asking and jungwoo would give haechan a knowing wink whenever he would enter or exit the lobby.

"haechan-ah, i've noticed you're becoming closer with mark." doyoung mentioned one day as he, haechan and johnny were all sitting together in the cafeteria.

"oh, yes. we're finally warming up, took us a while though." haechan said before taking a bite out of his hot dog. when he looked up he saw doyoung and johnny exchanging a weird look.

"it surely did but we've noticed that you seem to get along just fine." johnny said in a slightly amused tone. haechan shifted around in his seat. there was no way they would know right? somehow it did feel that way though. it was almost like the two knew more than they let him know.

"yeah, we're cool i guess. but i could say the same for you two though. you seem very close as well." haechan replied with a sly smile. a prompt reaction was showing on both johnnys and doyoungs face. johnny smirked while doyoung blushed furiously.

"yes, we're very very close. right, doie?" johnny responded with a side look to the man next to him. said man looked like he just wanted to be swallowed up by the ground and never been seen again.

"right doie?" johnny asked again, obviously teasing him. haechan chuckled and stood up hence freeing doyoung from this situation.

"come on guys, our break is almost over." the youngest noted and the two other men followed him back into the office space where everyone was going back to work.

this however didn't last long as mark once again called haechan into his office. haechan wasn't even surprised anymore, he just groaned and got up.

"you're not going to let me get any work done, huh?" he asked in a whiny voice.

"you're my secretary, you do whatever i want." mark commented while leaning onto his desk. haechan chuckled and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"this is your motto now, isn't it mark-hyung." the younger male remarked. mark raised a brow and said "it's mr. lee or sir, haechan-ah. we're in the office."

"oh, shut it. you never care anyways." haechan stated.

"says who? you seem a bit too confident for my liking." mark replied, his voice now deeper than before. haechan snickered quietly but mark didn't seem to have any of it. he pulled haechan by the tie and trapped him between the desk and himself.

"i'm your boss. do i seriously have to teach you some manners?" he asked coldly. even though highly intimidated haechan talked back "seems like it. it's not like you're not enjoying it."

mark chuckled deeply and said with a sly smile "well, you're right about that one." then he proceeded to attack haechan's jaw with his lips, sucking on the sensitive skin. haechan moaned but muted himself by biting on his lip.

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