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(a/n: ty for over 3k!!!)

it was as if switch was flipped. ever since that meeting in the office mark couldn't seem to stay away from haechan. he called him in his office about three times a day, two of which he would end up teasing haechan.

haechan himself was very confused as to why mark was doing this. not that he was complaining but he didn't see the others reasoning. why would mark risk his relationship for his secretary? it just didn't make any sense.

within a few weeks, mark went from doing some harmless sucking on haechan's neck to full on making hickeys on him. renjun had noticed this but haechan told him it was just an accident.

today was another one of those days where mark couldn't seem to hold back. but haechan was not having any of it. usually he would give into mark very easily, just moaning at his actions and enjoying what mark was doing. but today was different.

"so, why did you call me in here again? it's the second time today." haechan said as he entered the office once again.

"am i not allowed to talk to my secretary?" mark asked with a raised eyebrow. he was sitting in his chair behind the desk, his black hair slicked back cooly.

"sure you are but you're not allowed to give me hickeys anymore." haechan said with a firm voice.

"is that so? i thought you were enjoying it.." mark trailed off. haechan scoffed and sat down in the chair in front of the desk.

"so why am i here? i have stuff to do." he noted. mark cocked his head towards the wall where a printer stood. on top laid a pile of files.

"print them out for me again, we need another version for the archive. i'm taking a call in two minutes." mark instructed.

haechan looked at him with raised eyebrows. "you want me to print the copies here? while you're calling someone?" mark just nodded firmly. haechan shook his head stunned but did what mark said. he was his boss after all.

the job was insanely boring. all he did was staring at the wall while waiting for the papers to get scanned and copied. mark meanwhile was talking on the phone with someone but in english so haechan barely understood anything. while doing so, mark wandered around the room. a habit the two shared, haechan tended to do the same at home. after a while it became quiet and the only thing being heard was the printer.

"you're doing very good." a voice said right behind haechan said and the man jumped. he gasped loudly and asked "holy shit, can you not do that??" his heart eyes was beating fast from the shock he just got. he turned around to glare at mark but that turned out to be a bad decision as mark was still standing right behind him. haechan was now trapped between the printer and mark, the latter having a smirk on his lips.

"you seem very flustered, why is this?" the older male asked with a low chuckle. haechan internally cursed and refrained from saying 'well, you're literally eye-fucking me.' which was what he actually wanted to say but of course he didn't. instead he settled for a weak "i don't know."

"i'm not scaring you, am i?" mark asked and haechan shook his head. mark tsked and stated "lie. i can literally see you get more intimated by the second." haechan didn't reply but looked down to the floor in embarrassment. mark was so fucking hot right now, it should be illegal.

"someone's getting shy." mark commented and put his head under haechans chin so the younger male would look up to him. they didn't have much of a height difference but mark was still a but taller so haechan had to look up to him.

the two kept eye contact for quite a while. haechan wasn't going to give in, he wouldn't submit to mark that easily. not today.

in the end mark was the one to break the eye contact to stare at haechan's lips. the latter whined in anticipation as mark's lips ghosted over his own, teasing him. mark knew exactly what he was doing and haechan was falling for it. he hated himself for the weakness he was showing. he was so very weak for mark and the latter knew that just too well.

office affairs | markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now