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haechan had now fully integrated himself into the office. often times he was invited to lunch from johnny or taeil. he made friends with basically all of the men in the office, even sicheng and ten who had returned from their trip to china. nowadays when they spoke to each other they would only speak in chinese which did could be a bit annoying since the two made it clear that they were gossiping but not about who or what.

overall it was a nice working atmosphere though. haechan got used to the meetings that occurred ever so often. whenever he saw lucas he sent the man a smile but after marks story he tried to keep his distance.

speaking of mark, the two did not really speak a lot. against what one might think this wasn't any of marks doing but actually haechan. his hormones started to act up quite a lot whenever mark was around, his good looks and well built body not helping. the night after haechan gave mark his hoodie and shorts back, the younger male had even dreamt of his boss in a very inappropriate way. this caused haechan to keep his distance, constantly reminding himself that mark wasn't single and not available despite the few kisses they had shared.

one day taeyong and johnny called haechan over to them. they had just finished lunch break and were supposed to be working but it seemed like the older two men had different plans.

"what is it, hyungs?" haechan asked in a slightly annoyed tone. he still had a shit ton of work to get done and he really wasn't feeling like working longer than he necessarily had to.

"would you like to go out for a beer with us and the rest after work?" johnny asked.

taeyong slightly hit the american and added "you don't have to of course. if you just want to go home, that's understandable. but we just hoped to spend some more time with you."

haechan did not hesitate to agree. he really liked all the men so why not? but he did make a mental note to tell renjun or else the other would freak out.

"great!" johnny said and high-fived taeyong.

"but i have to work half an hour longer than you guys." haechan remembered.

"ah, that's no problem, we can wait. that way jungwoo can join us as well." taeyong said and patted haechan's shoulder with a smile on his lips. haechan chuckled and then went back to his desk to do his work.

a short while after mark called him into his office. haechan internally groaned, he just wanted to get his work done. besides that he was now confronted with mark sitting in front of him, his shirt two buttons unbuttoned and his tie a bit loose. definitely not good for haechans mind.

"yes, sir? how can help you?" he asked politely. this was work so despite them knowing each other a bit he had to remain professional.

"i got your email about the xui case. there are a few confusing things i'd like to clear up." mark clarified, making haechan gulp.

"here, sit down." mark said, raising himself up from his seat and offering it to haechan. the latter was confused but sat down nonetheless.

this however turned out to be a huge mistake since mark was now leaning over him, handling the mouse of the computer. a quick look to the windows showed haechan that the blinds were down so nobody outside the office could see anything.

"read this line for me, haechan." mark instructed and haechans eyes went back to the computer screen where mark had highlighted a sentence.

"xui & co. agree that the sum of 1 billion won will be transferred to the account." haechan read out nervously. mark was very close to him so he wasn't really in the right mind, his brain going full on gay panick.

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