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haechan was kind of losing his mind. he had been mr. lee's secretary for only a week and already felt exhausted. the man bossed him around constantly and kept on ordering around. on top of that his boss was also cold and honestly a bit rude. he treated haechan as if he was his servant, not his secretary.

the only thing that kept haechan going were the other men in his office, now his colleagues. he got really close with yuta, the japanese guy keeping him motivated and buying him snacks. haechan also liked mr. lee's former secretary, doyoung, a lot as whenever haechan complained doyoung understood him very well.

the weekend he happily spent with his friends who were asking him all typed of questions about his new job. haechan, being the second youngest, was the last one to find some sort of income. jaemin and jeno were both studying at university, happily sharing a dorm. renjun was working as an artist and exhibitionist at one of seoul's most precious museums hence why he could rent an apartment in an area in seoul that was not bad. of course it wasn't gangnam but definitely better than what was usually occupied by people their age. haechan was just really lucky, he annoyed renjun enough to convince the other to share an apartment with haechan. the boy was also happy now since he could finally pay his share of the rent since before renjun had to pay most of it.

speaking if renjun, the guy was just sitting next to him. it was sunday, meaning neither renjun nor haechan had to work. sunday was actually the only day both off them had off since renjun also had to work on saturdays. of course, they weren't alone. as pretty much every sunday jaemin and jeno decided to come over. the two were sitting on the other side of the table, happily munching on the pancakes renjun made for all four of them.

"whatcha thinking about, chanie?" jaemin asked him. smiling, haechan looked at the younger.

"just enjoying not having to work today." he replied.
renjun groaned next to him.

"you act like you've been working for years when in reality it's been a week. five days." the small male complained. this comment caused jeno to laugh. for that, haechan kicked his leg under the table.

"ouch, what the fuck!" jeno yelled and jaemin gave him a disapproving look while rubbing his ears.

"if you keep on screaming so loud my ears are going to fall off." jaemin informed the boy next to him, a frown on his face.

"oh, i bet you hear him screaming a lot or more like moaning." haechan joked and jeno choked. jaemin however remained unbothered and said "really haechan? that was lame." while rubbing jeno's back.

haechan always teased the two. he had a suspicion that something was going on between his two friends. but whenever he said something or joked about it neither jeno nor jaemin would bother calling him out on his bullshit. which only made them even more suspicious in haechan's opinion. he had mentioned it to renjun a few times but his flatmate seemingly couldn't care less. the only response haechan got from renjun about his thoughts on jaemin and jeno was 'fuck off'.

"so how is your job then?" jeno asked, now breathing normally again.

"it's alright i guess. my colleagues are really nice but my boss is a bitch." haechan replied. jaemin looked at him with interest and asked "what does he do?"

"well, he orders me around. a lot. now usually i wouldn't complain because he is my boss after all and i'm his secretary but he is just an asshole. he keeps on teasing me. once he made me drop files and then didn't even bother helping me picking them up." haechan told the boys who were all listening.

"maybe he just wanted to check you out?" jaemin asked and winked. haechan laughed at that thought and said "as if. just because i'm gay doesn't mean i automatically attract every man. even though that would be very understandable considering my beauty."

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