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haechan woke up in an empty bedroom. it was dark and rain was splashing against the windows. he raised himself off the bed and peaked through the door.

as he walked out the door he saw a dim light coming from the end of the hallway. the floor was cold beneath his feet, the temperature drop of the surface waking him up a bit. he suddenly shuddered as he felt really cold. as he finally reached the end of the hallway which opened to what looked like an open kitchen and a living room he spotted mark. the male was laying on the couch, fast asleep. haechan neared himself to the sleeping man, shuffling around a bit but mark did not wake up. haechan looked at him, this time from less distance. the man wore a big black shirt, the rest of his body was covered under a think blanket. his hair was a bit messy and looked very fluffy in haechans opinion. he resisted the urge to run his hands through it and sat down on the couch next to mark, making sure not to touch any part of the sleeping mans body.

there was thousands of questions floating around in haechans mind so he tried to answer them one by one while taking in his surroundings.

question number one was 'where was he?', quickly followed by question two 'how did he get here?' and question three 'why was mark here?'. the most logical answer to question one would be that he was in marks (very expensive looking) apartment. that would also explain question two and three. mark drove him here and since this was marks apartment he had no reason to not be here. but all those answers let him to another bug question 'why did mark bring him here?'. mark knew where haechan's apartment was and even if he didn't it surely wouldn't be hard to find out. haechan decided to ask mark this question when the elder male was awake and for now just rest.

in the moment he made that decision it was like his body finally remembered it was actually sick and he suppressed an upcoming cough to not wake up mark. he went to the kitchen that was only lit by the light from the living room and got himself a glass of water. then, almost automatically, he reached for the phone in his pocket, just to find that he was wearing a big hoodie over his suit pants. it surely must look weird, the combination of his black pants with the baby blue hoodie he was wearing. but since he wasn't wearing his shirt and he couldn't remember getting changed that meant someone else had to have done it for him, presumingly mark. haechan blushed at that thought but ignored it the best he could and went to search his phone.

he eventually found it on the nightstand of the bed he woke up in. there were a few unread messages from renjun as well as one from jeno and jaemin each. just when he was about to panic he read renjun's last message which read that mark told jisung to tell jeno and 'the others' (so jaemin and renjun) that haechan was save in the mans apartment. haechan typed a quick 'i'm okay, don't worry about me' to renjun before deciding he felt like shit and wanted to get back under the warm blanket. due to the fact that his pants were way to uncomfortable to sleep in he took them off and found some shorts in what he assumed was marks wardrobe. as soon as haechan's head hit the pillow he was gone again.

the next time he woke up, it was due to the sun lightening up the room, it's rays hitting haechan right in the face. he groaned and shifted around before opening his eyes. the first thing he felt was the worst headache he had ever experienced along with a sudden heat wave. he pulled away the blanket which kept all his body heat trapped in. suddenly the door opened and mark walked in with small smile.

"how did you sleep?" the man asked casually. haechan stared at him with wide eyes as mark proceeded to sit down at the end of the bed.

haechan stared at him with big eyes, his body now feeling cold again so he put the blanket back over his exposed legs and torso. he cleared his throat before answering with a weak voice "good, thank you. i hope i haven't caused too much trouble. you really didn't have to bring me here."

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