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haechan nervously followed mr. lee as the two were walking to the elevator. only five people were left in the office, two of them haechan knew. one being taeyong and the other one being johnny. the american guy nodded at mr. lee and said something in english. the man replied and haechan was lost. johnny seemed to notice since he chuckled and winked at the youngest.

once him and mr. lee had reached the elevator and the door closed behind them his boss turned to him.

"press number four please." he instructed and haechan obeyed. nervously he fiddled with his fingers and spoke up to try and calm him nerves with small talk "i didn't know you could talk english that well."

"oh, i was born in canada and lived my childhood there." mr. lee told him and haechan's eyes widened at the new information.

"if you don't mind me asking, why are you here then and not in canada?" he asked, carefully. he did not want to overstep any boundaries.

"my parents still live in canada but since my uncle runs this whole place and he needs someone who is going to take over one day, my parents sent me here." mr. lee answered, his tone becoming very cold.

haechan decided to not ask any further but instead wait for the elevator to stop. meanwhile he came to realise how much power mr. lee must hold. if he was the ceo's nephew it explained not only how he was in such a high position at such a young age but also why he was so invested in his work. it was a family business.

"you have your laptop with you to take notes?" his boss asked, breaking the silence. haechan held up the device in question and mr. lee nodded approvingly.

"very good, haechan." he praised and it was like a trigger for haechan. he got turned on by those simple three words and his already developed attraction to mr. lee did not help at all.

luckily, the elevator door opened and haechan made sure to follow his boss as far behind as possible without being lost. he needed a quick minute to calm down. mr. lee did not seem to care wether haechan was keeping up, he just walked straight into a big meeting room. when haechan entered as well, he could see a big table with lots of people already sitting around it. there were about five free seats left, two of them for haechan and his boss. the man in question greeted everyone with a bow and haechan was quick to do the same.

"i'm lee mark for those who don't know but i guess everyone does." mark announced, sounding slightly arrogant while doing so. then he introduced the boy next to him whilst both of them were sitting down "this is lee haechan, my new secretary."

everyone was chatting and mr. lee turned to haechan.
"i'm assuming you've never been at a business meeting?" he asked.

haechan nodded his head yes. he could've sworn that mr. lee cooed at him but it was such a faint and quick look that he could've also imagined it. if it happened his boss was definitely fast to go back to his cold glare.

he explained to haechan "well, basically while we're talking you're noting down the most important things and the end decisions that we make today. do you understand?" the younger male nodded obediently and opened up his laptop.

the door opened up once again and to haechans surprise johnny and taeyong walked in. the taller of the two sat to the other side of mr. lee and taeyong sat down next to a very handsome man. that said man now raised himself off the chair and cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. all eyes were on him as he welcomed the men and women sitting around the table. he introduced himself as jeong jaehyun and damn, haechan had to admit he was handsome as hell. the boy was seemingly not the only one to think that as he spotted taeyong looking at mr. jeong jaehyun with wide eyes. haechan smiled but looked down to his laptop so no one would notice.

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