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over the course of the next days mark proceeded to come out to his employees and friends. luckily they were mostly supportive even though one or though did give him a weird face but that was bound to happen.

but with that done, him and haechan had to be really cautious of what they were doing in mark's office. twice someone had almost walked in on them and once yuta entered the office without knowing haechan was in there so he caught the two being very close but luckily not kissing yet. you can imagine the awkward atmosphere in the room after.

on friday, mark informed haechan that he finally broke it off with akira, now officially. haechan of course was happy about that but at the same time felt really guilty. when he asked mark about it, mark became pretty quiet and sad, very understandably so. nonetheless he told haechan that akira would manage just like he had predicted.

the two planned to meet up on saturday for a little date and a sleepover after. when haechan informed renjun of that, the chinese seemed to be rather happy about it.

"let me guess, you just want me out of the house so you can have some 'alone time' with your boyfriends, right?" haechan had asked with a smirk. renjun's blushing and a rather harsh hit were enough of a response for haechan.

"i'll text you before i come back, so you have some time to organise yourself." he had whispered with a smirk and renjun whined.

"will you shut up now? or else i'm not going to cook for you anymore." the chinese said. haechan put his hands up in defeat and laughed "alright, i'm sorry."

when saturday came, haechan packed a bit of his stuff. not that he didn't like wearing mark's clothes but always having to use a one-way toothbrush got on his nerves.

in his bag he had some clothes, his toiletries and renjun sneakily threw in some condoms as well. haechan chose to not comment and ignore this.

"i'll get going now. see you tomorrow!" he said and renjun waved at him.

"have fun!" he said and quietly added "and get that d." but haechan was already out the door so he didn't catch that comment.

the korean male couldn't wait to see mark again even though had been not even twenty four hours since they last saw each other.

in fact they went out with the guys yesterday since it was the last work day of the week. it had been nice and in their tipsy minds some of the men had asked mark (and haechan as well) about being gay. this gave haechan the suspicion that maybe they weren't all that straight. now that he thought about it, none of them had ever mentioned a girlfriend. not that haechan would complain about that.

back to reality he had arrived at mark's apartment building. the two were supposed to meet in the lobby so haechan patiently sat down and waited for mark.

the latter showed up within two minutes after haechan's arrival. he have haechan a big hug before guiding him to the elevator.

once the elevator doors closed behind them, haechan closed his eyes. he already knew what was coming and was comfirmed in his suspicions when he felt mark's lips on his own.

god, how he had missed those lips. sometimes he asked himself wether mark used a drug as chapstick since his lips were so fucking addictive. haechan easily melted into the kiss, letting mark take the lead. the elder grabbed his waist and pulled him closer. this action made a heat arise in haechan's stomach. he groaned slightly and felt mark chuckle before the elder parted himself from haechan. the latter whined at the lost contact.

"let's have our date first, after we can continue this." mark said and gave him a sly wink. haechan nodded and tried to catch his breath as he followed mark into the elder's apartment.

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