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haechan couldn't bring himself to stay away from mark. he knew he should for his own sake but mark was just too attractive, too nice, too perfect to resist. so he thought to himself 'what could go wrong, i already hit rock bottom' and proceeded to be in love with the man he knew he could never have.

all of this changes when he recieved a call from mark about two weeks after his realisation. it was a saturday afternoon so mark really had no reason to call haechan at all. they wouldn't meet on saturday ever except if haechan would stay the night from friday to saturday at marks place.

"hello mark. why are you calling?" haechan asked. he was currently sitting in his kitchen with renjun, the two of them eating pasta together.

on the other side of the line a slight whimpering cpuld be heard, followed by mark's voice.

"haechan-ah, can you come over? uhm i need someone to talk to right now and it's kinda... bad." mark stated. his voice sounded weird but maybe that was just phone, haechan thought.

"sure. i'll be there in a few minutes." haechan replied and mark hung up. haechan raised his eyebrows at that. he did not even say goodbye or anything.

"injunnie?" haechan asked, putting his phone back into his pocket. the chinese hummed in response.

"i need to go okay, i don't know for how long i'll be gone but when i come back i don't want to walk in on you and your boyfriends again." haechan said.

"gosh, that was once. and at least put your spaghetti in a box so you can eat them later." renjun replied while blushing. haechan smiled at him and said "okay, see ya!"

he did like renjun told him and then quickly gathered all he needed before exiting the apartment and getting into the car.

during the drive he became anxious. mark had sounded very serious on the phone but haechan knew it couldn't be anything related to business since mark wouldn't have called him for that on a saturday.

now concerned he entered the lobby. mark was already sitting on one of the benches near the reception. as he spotted haechan he stood up and walked up to him.

"hey." haechan mumbled but was interrupted by mark tightly hugging him. haechan patted his head, enjoying mark's warm embrace.

the canadian male parted himself from haechan but held his hand tightly. the younger raised his brow but said nothing as mark was leading them to the elevator.

the ride up to marks apartment was quiet. haechan didn't know what to say and mark seemed to lost in his thoughts to engage any conversation. the doors opened and mark pulled out the keys to his apartment. the door opened and the two men entered. as soon as the the door closed behind them mark pulled haechan into another hug.

haechan was now not only confused but also concerned. usually mark was never this clingy. he could feel mark vibrating in his arms and his whimpers filled the silence. mark was crying.

"mark, what's wrong?" haechan asked but mark couldn't seem to answer. the younger of the two guided them to the couch were he sat down, mark still in his arms. haechan patted his back, reassuring him it would be okay. which was a half lie since he had no clue why mark was wheeling in his arms.

however this didn't stop haechan from feeling marks pain. seeing the man so pained and sad broke his heart. he felt himself tearing up but told himself to stay strong. mark needed him right now as a shoulder to lean on so that's what he shall be.

after about half an hour all of mark's tears dried out, much with the help of haechan who kept kissing them away. finally mark cleared his throat and began speaking with a hoarse voice.

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