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"i asked what's your sexuality? of course you don't have to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable but i'm kind of curious." haechan repeated.

mark shifted around in his seat, obviously debating on how to answer. haechan meanwhile was on the edge of his seat as he saw mark actually thinking about telling him.

"i'll tell you. but it's a long story and i'd rather do it somewhere more private, okay?" mark finally spoke and haechan nodded in understanding.

the two payed, mark throwing a last dirty look at the waitress which had haechan giggling. the two trailed around until mark led them into a park which was close to his apartment.

they sat down on a bench and watched the few other people who were around. a few parents with their children at a playground, a young couple laying on the grass and two elderly woman on a bench on the other side of the small green space. nobody said anything and both just enjoyed the warmth of the sun rays which hit their faces. the sun had warmed up the air and it felt like a perfect summer afternoon. haechan loved this atmosphere as he watched how one father chased around his two sons on the play ground as the mother was watching them with a small smile. it made haechan smile as well as the happy family enjoyed the nice weather.

mark noticed haechans longing look at the family and noted "they're cute aren't they?"

haechan looked at him and nodded "yes, they are. when i was younger i wanted to become a kindergarten teacher because i like children so much."

"why didn't you pull through with it?" mark asked curiously. haechan shrugged and spoke "there was never really an opportunity and now i've kinda outgrown it."

"that's sad. i bet you'd get along well with children." the canadian commented.

"well, i have my friends. they act like children so it's not that much of a difference." haechan replied and laughed. mark watched as haechan's eyes formed crescent moons and his teeth started showing.

to him, haechans laugh was the most precious. it fit him as well as his name, haechan meaning 'full sun'. that's what he was. mark had taken notice of how much happiness the man seemed to radiate. even though he could be a brat sometimes he was also a happy virus. inside the office but outside of it as well.

the younger mans laugh quieted down and a silence started spreading. luckily it wasn't awkward at all, the two men just enjoyed each other's presence.

"i'm gay." mark suddenly said, breaking the silence.
haechan took his eyes off the family again to look at mark. he opened his mouth to say something but the elder beat him to it.

"my parents don't know. neither does my uncle. i don't think i can ever tell them." the older male continued. haechan took his hand to give him comfort as he was speaking.

"you asked me about akira, right? well, she is my girlfriend to everyone but me and her. she knows i'm gay. i broke her heart when i told her. i-" mark's breath hitched and haechan saw tears forming. he quickly pecked mark's hand, assuring him it was alright. mark took a deep breath before continuing.

"i told her a year into our relationship. she was broken, very understandable so. i would be too. she truly loved me and i think she still does. i would break up with her to give her closure but both our parents are very supportive, if you know what i mean." 

haechan nodded. he could see why any parents would be supportive. mark, the successful business man and akira, the model. it sounded almost too good to be true.

"so you keep up an act for your parents?" haechan asked, hoping to not sound too intruding.

"also them, yes. but it's basically everyone around us. i'm supposed to look strong and cool as an older brother, boss, friend and son but i'm scared that me being gay will destroy that image." mark whispered. and even though both of them knew that being gay doesn't make you less of a man, haechan could understand why mark would be scared other people would think that way. the society they lived in was quite conservative and judgemental so being gay wasn't the easiest thing. haechan himself would know.

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