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(a/n: my mental health recently went: 📉)

the past days had been very hot. the summer was at its peak and in these times haechan cursed out his suit. he hadn't brought the jacket to his office for days neither had anyone else.

this again had haechan drooling. seeing mark with his top three buttons unbuttoned and the fabric of the white shirt sticking to his skin did no good to haechan. mark's muscles were clearly visible under the white fabric, showing off how built he was.

the older man had to only invite haechan into his office and he would get nervous and flustered. he wasn't so sure whether mark had already picked up on this or not but if he hadn't yet it certainly wouldn't take long.

once again mark called him and haechan dreaded going into the room. the blinds were down, haechan noticed while walking through the door.

"haechan-ah?" mark called out while pointing to the seat in front of him.

"yes, sir?" haechan replied, sitting down. mark cleared his throat, making the younger male look at him "i've noticed you're a bit distracted lately. why is that? i hope everything is okay?"

"uh, yes mr. lee. it's all good. the heat is just getting to my head lately." haechan lied, hoping mark would buy it. he would rather die than having to explain to mark that his mere presence could turn haechan on.

"ah, that's very understandable. i'm also not in the right state of mind recently. the heat is getting to me as well. but it's going to rain soon so maybe it will cool down after." mark spoke.

haechan tilted his head and asked "how do you know, it's going to rain?" mark wordlessly pointed to the window. haechans eyes followed the man's hand motion and saw huge clouds towering over the city. it looked quite cool since the sun was still shining.

"ahh, a thunderstorm." haechan said and as if to confirm a loud thunder could be heard. he jumped slightly at the loud noise causing mark to laugh. haechan gave him a weak smile and asked "is there anything else, sir?"

"yes, there is actually. i wanted to ask if you wanted to repeat that event? but this time at my apartment." mark said casually, emphasising the word 'that'. haechans jaw dropped, he had expected something far from this. his eyes shifted all around the room, trying to avoid mark's. he had no idea what to say. on the one side he really wanted to but the other his morals kicked in. mark wasn't single, he had a girlfriend.

"what about akira?" he spoke, breaking the silence.

"don't worry about her." mark replied.

"don't worry about her? you want me to be the reason of her heartbreak when she finds out. and she will." haechan said, his voice becoming louder. as to empower him, a lightning stoke. a louder thunder followed so mark had a short amount of time to think about haechan's words before speaking.

"i'm sure she will find out. she's smart but as i told you, you don't have to worry about her." mark said.

"promise me you won't break her heart?" haechan asked. he knew he shouldn't really do this but mark was making him crazy. mark nodded in response. he mumbled under his breath "i did already." but haechan didn't hear that as another thunder hit and rain started pouring down.

"did you say something?" haechan asked but the older man only shook his head.

"we can leave together, my apartment isn't that far so you'll be able to get back to your car easily." he informed him. haechan chewed his lip, still conflicted about this whole thing. but in the end he agreed and walked out of the office.

office affairs | markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now