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today haechan was happy. even renjun was surprised by the others happy mood as haechan hummed happily while opening the fridge to get his snack that renjun made yesterday.

"what got into you, chanie? it's six thirty in the morning and you're up and happy. usually i have to drag you out of bed." renjun wondered. haechan just shrugged and replied "i don't know, jun. i just feel great."

"how was the meeting yesterday?" renjun asked as he remembered that haechan hadn't been home by the time he went to bed.

"it was alright i guess. pretty boring but mark, i mean mr. lee, told me we would go over the files today because yesterday it was late already." haechan explained.

"so he's nicer to you now?" the small male in front of him questioned.

haechan tilted his head and thought about that question. after a bit of thinking he answered "kind of. we talked a bit and he wasn't all too bad but he also got mad when i talked to one of the guys from the meeting. it's kind of weird."

"weird indeed." renjun mumbled and continued making breakfast while haechan was eating on the counter next to him. despite the early time it was an cozy atmosphere and haechan enjoyed the peace a lot.

after finishing he got dressed and told renjun goodbye before jumping into his car and driving to work. the way was now familiar to the boy as he had driven it the whole last week and yesterday.

he arrived and happily greeted jungwoo "morning jungwoo. how have you been?"

"oh, hi haechan! i've been great. how was your meeting yesterday?" jungwoo replied with a cute smile. haechan cooed at him and replied "ehh, could be better, could be better, could be worse."

"well, then. have a good day!" jungwoo said and haechan took that as his cue to leave. he waved haechan one last time before going back to his work.

haechan took the elevator up to the tenth floor and exited. he greeted some of the workers in the first big room before entering his office. the only men present were yuta, taeil and sicheng. yuta and taeil were chatting at sicheng's table who looked a bit annoyed at them. when yuta spotted haechan he went up to the man and proceeded to hug him.

"good morning haechan! how was yesterday?" he asked, returning to his seat at sicheng's desk. haechan trailed behind him and answered "mhm, it was alright. it seemed like mr. lee was a bit pissed at me at first but we later chatted and it was all good."

"why would he be pissed at you? you didn't do anything stupid, did you?" yuta questioned, voice a little worried. but haechan was quick to shake his head.

"well i guess, he was more pissed at mr. wong or lucas or yukhei. i talked to him and mr. lee was not happy about that." the younger male explained.

yuta looked at him, with a small smile on his lips. "that explains it." he commented.

"why? what's going on between the two?" haechan desperately wanted to know.

"it's not my place to tell you the story. i think mark will tell you later on." the japanese smiled and then went back to conversing with taeil and sicheng.

confused, haechan went to his desk. he wanted to know what was going on. what did lucas do to piss of mark so much? haechan groaned as he realised he was thinking about mr. lee as mark. the latter made it clear they weren't at a stage to call first names but he also got ridiculed by the others for that choice. haechan wondered if he would ever get to that stage with mr. lee. the others called him by first name all the time.

the young man got to work and around ten to twenty minutes later the others started to arrive. haechan only greeted them quickly since he had to work on yesterday's notes. he wondered if mr. lee would remember their deal to help each other. probably not, it had been late yesterday and his boss would probably not even recall being 'mad' at haechan. he was just his secretary, nothing really worth to remember.

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