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the next day the atmosphere between mr. lee and haechan was very cool. almost like it used to be when haechan started working here, a few weeks ago but now it was different. haechan knew he fucked up big time and the whole time he wondered why mr. lee didn't fire him already.

his colleagues had noticed that something was going on but haechan always escaped johnny's, doyoung's and yuta's questions. he knew sometimes the men would whispered about what was going on that was until taeil or taeyong scolded them to go back to work. haechan was grateful for both of them, taeyong had taken care of him and helped him when mr. lee gave too much work. taeil had been a literal angel a few times and sometimes got haechan his much needed coffee during his lunch break. the younger had hugged him a lot to thank him. taeil didn't seem to mind, always patting haechan's back, telling him it was okay.

today was a day haechan dreaded. yesterday johnny had given him a message from mr. lee saying that today would be another meeting. haechan had asked the american if he he would be present too but johnny had shook his head and said he already had other plans. from the blush on the elders cheeks haechan had the suspicion it was a date but he didn't ask. he just knew that he would be left alone with mr. lee.

so that was the reason why haechan was currently looking at the clock on his computer screen every two minutes, feeling his death come closer by the second. the meeting would start at six and it was currently five thirty-nine. yuta seemed to sense haechan's nervousness and patted the others back to comfort him.

"i don't know what's going on or why you look like you're about to cry but it's all going to be okay." the japanese reassured.

"thanks hyung. i really needed to hear that." haechan said with a weak smile.

"always, haechan. if anything's going wrong you can always call me." yuta noted and then waved him goodbye. 'lucky man' haechan thought bitterly as he watched yuta exit the office. why did he have to deal with mr. lee when everyone else was fine and it just fucked haechan up.

"haechan! come on!" taeyong yelled through the room. haechan looked up and saw the other who had some files in his hands, standing at the entrance of the office.

"mark told me to get you to the room already. let's go." taeyong explained and went to haechan to take the boy with him. haechan just had enough time to take his laptop before taeyong dragged him out the office.

when they entered the hallway to the meeting room they met with a face that haechan was already familiar with.

"hey lucas." haechan smiled at the tall male. despite mr. lee prohibiting any contact haechan could not help but greet the man.

"hello haechan! how have you been?" lucas asked with a sly smile. haechan could feel taeyong tensing next to him.

"you two know each other?" he asked and haechan nodded.

"briefly." lucas replied to taeyong before turning his attention back to haechan who was still smiling. taeyong nodded as if he just solved a mystery.

"well, we're gonna go. see you, mr. wong." taeyong said and continued to pull haechan with him.

"bye taeyong." lucas grinned.

haechan turned to taeyong as the two entered through the door. he noticed taeyongs eyes were fixed on the floor so he asked "do you and lucas- i mean mr. wong know each other?"

"uh yeah, we've met before. we see each other in meetings a lot, you see. it's because of our collaboration with his company." taeyong explained, scanning the room for someone. he found that person and when haechan followed his eyes it turned out to be mr. lee. haechan's heart sunk and now it was his turn to look at the floor.

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