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the kiss lasted for about a minute but haechan it felt like years. mr. lees lips were just so captivating. and he was a good kisser too.

the two quickly separated before haechan pulled mark slightly down to kiss him again. he tried to savour as much of it as possible, tasting the elder. his lips were addictive and haechan felt himself relax in the others arms. suddenly he could feel the man tense up and their lips were separated once again as mr. lee pushed him away.

"no!" he said in disbelief as he took a step back. "this is not happening, i can't do this." he said, this time louder. haechan watched him in confusion and jumped at his raised voice.

"fuck, fuck, fuck!" mr. lee yelled now in english but haechan knew the meaning of the word anyways.

"i have to go! i'm so stupid, i'm sorry." the elder rambled and ran out the office. haechan wanted to follow him, tell him it was okay but he couldn't move. it was like his legs were glued to the floor. he winced at the door bang and watched mark run through the office until he had reached the elevator. when the man was out of sight, haechan dropped to the floor.

he wanted to cry but he was too confused and shocked to do that. his brain needed a moment to realise everything that had happened within the past five minutes.

he felt like he was in a daze as he exited mr. lee's office, making sure to turn the lights off and shut the door behind him. the whole way to his car felt unreal as he repeated in his mind over and over again 'he kissed me'. that thought then was almost instantly followed by 'but he pushed me away'.

on his way home those thoughts occupied his mind. when he arrived home he let go and tears started streaming down his face. he quickly sat down on the couch since his legs did not support him anymore. renjun walked out of his room, still in his drawing attire, and sat himself down next to haechan. he rubbed the younger's back to comfort him and haechan buried his face in renjun's chest.

"shh, it'll be alright." the chinese whispered over and over again. haechan himself didn't know why he was crying but renjuns words gave him comfort.

after his crying had calmed down for a little bit, renjun looked at him with a small smile. carefully he asked "do you want to talk about it?"

"it's because..." haechan said and sniffed before continuing with a stronger voice "it's because i kissed my boss today. well, he kissed me first and then i kissed him."

whatever renjun was expecting this definitely hadn't been it. the elders eyes widened as his grip on haechan slightly tightened. he looked down into his lap "wow. i don't know what to say."

haechan chuckled slightly despite the weird situation "that's okay. you comforted me lots, that's enough already. i don't expect you to have a solution to the shit i got myself in." he stood up from the couch and dragged the chinese with him into the kitchen.

"and now, let's eat and then you go to sleep. i'll do the dishes." haechan ordered and also cut off renjun who was about to protest.

"no, renjun. you won't help me. it's my job to do them and you've done enough chores for the rest of your life. besides you need sleep anyways." renjun pouted but nodded in acknowledgment.

the two ate and renjun went to bed right after. as promised haechan did the dished and took a shower after. he went to bed with relaxed muscles which made it easier for him to forget what happened to day. he fell asleep quickly.

the next day was weird. as haechan arrived in the office he was fairly anxious due to yesterday's events. as time progressed more and more people arrived in the office bur mr. lee was nowhere to be seen.

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