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"hey, look what i bought today!" haechan happily chirped as mark opened the door.

"you're planning to move in.. with a newspaper?" mark asked, sarcasm laced in his voice. haechan took the opportunity to hit him with said newspaper.

"no you dummy. jeno and renjun are downstairs loading out some stuff. but i just wanted to already check in on you." haechan laughed as mark escaped his playful hitting.

"okay first of all, give me a kiss and then you can show me why you brought a newspaper." mark said and haechan did as he demanded.

after the quick peck, haechan leaned agains the door frame and handed mark the wallpaper. the latter took it with interest but as soon as he read the first words he groaned.

"what is this? i bet doyoung did this. gosh, i can't stand him." he complained.

"he's just doing his job as your publicist. be glad he didn't tell them all the details i told him about our sex life." haechan mumbled.

"you what?" mark asked in panic but haechan just shushed him and told him to read further. he was peeking from over the edge of the paper to mark's face and then back to the paper which was still showing the front page.

 he was peeking from over the edge of the paper to mark's face and then back to the paper which was still showing the front page

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"so now the whole world knows." mark said after finishing. he sighed and looked at haechan with a small smile.
"yep and i couldn't be happier about it. everyone needs to know that you're mine and mine only." haechan replied and gave mark another kiss which quickly escalated into a making-out.

the two heard a throat clearing from the side and quickly parted. jeno and renjun stood their, both carrying boxes filled with haechan's clothes.

"if you want to move another time and just fuck today, at least be so kind and tell us. your stuff is heavy." renjun noted and both mark and haechan were blushing.

"sorry, we kinda got carried away." haechan mumbled, hiding his blush with his sweater paws. he was wearing one of mark's big ones, meaning that he could smell the man when he held the fabric to his nose.

"we could see that." jeno said dryly and sneaked into mark's apartment to finally put down the boxes he was carrying.

"is jaemin coming as well?" mark asked directed towards jeno and renjun. the latter answered "yes but later. he still had some projects to work on." mark nodded and then all four of them took it upon themselves to carry haechan's stuff to mark's apartment.

the question of moving in had been dropped just a few days ago but since haechan was already practically living at mark's for the weekend, there wouldn't be much change.

still the two of them could not wait to wake up next to each other not just on the weekend but every day. especially for mark it was a blessing to see a sleepy haechan with messy hair and pouty lips, begging him for five more minutes of sleep.

on haechan's side he couldn't wait for all the evenings he could now spend with his boyfriend. whether they would be doing movie nights or enjoy themselves in the bedroom, haechan couldn't wait for it. and you couldn't blame him.

he had been yearning for mark for ages, crushing on him since early on so now that mark was officially his, he was sure to savour it as much as he could. and mark definitely wasn't complaining about it.

that evening, renjun, jeno and jaemin had stayed for dinner. mark had cooked (under the supervision of jaemin and renjun) and it turned out amazing. after the three had left and mark had closed the door behind them he turned to haechan with the brightest smile on his lips.

"mi casa no más es mi casa, es nuestra casa." he said.
"yeah sorry, i don't speak french." haechan noted in confusion. mark laughed and ruffled the younger's hair.
"it's spanish and it means 'my house isn't my house anymore, it's our's.' do you understand now?"

"sorry that i'm not such a genius like you mr. lee." haechan snickered. mark laughed and noted "oh you haven't called me mr. lee in a long time. brings back memories."

"crazy huh? i really used to call you that." haechan replied, thinking back of months ago when he was still resentful against his boss.

"i wish you would call me that still, in bed though." mark said with a dramatic sigh. haechan snorted and commented "you kinky ass."

mark laughed and just went up to hug the younger. even though he wanted to resist at first for punishing mark for his dirty thinking, haechan relaxed in his arms.

"let's go to bed now. i'm tired and i still have much to unpack tomorrow." he mumbled into mark's shoulder.

"so no action tonight?" mark asked but haechan playfully hit his back. he said "jesus you're horny. you can have me tomorrow after we're done unpacking."

"it's a deal." mark happily grinned and haechan rolled his eyes at the other's stupid antics.

"sometimes i wonder why i love you." he mumbled.
"i don't know why you love me but i know why i love you." mark responded. he was currently changing and haechan decided to follow him, putting on one of his (or actually mark's) big shirts as he felt most comfortable in them.

"then tell me. why do you love me?" he asked mark while cuddling himself up under the blanket.

"well, for starters you're so cute and adorable." mark answered and pulled haechan into his arms, "also you're nice, witty and funny. you're easy to talk and open up to. you don't make fun of people for their struggles. you're always there to give support and love if needed. you're so perfect it makes me angry."

"wow. i know i'm not that good with words but thank you. i love you so much and whenever you say stuff like this it's incredibly reassuring. you mean so much to me and i'm glad to have you by my side, mark lee." haechan replied, trying to hold back a sniffle. mark must've tensed his emotions as he hugged him tighter and kissed the top of his head reassuringly.

"i'll always be by your side, chanie. don't ever even doubt that. i love you way too much to ever let you go." the canadian whispered. haechan looked up to him to see a small smile tugging at the older's lips.

"i hate when you do that. who allowed you to steal my heart and never give it back." haechan exclaimed. mark just chuckled and pulled him up for a kiss.

"you think i stole your heart. what about you stealing mine?" he asked after. haechan giggled and intertwined their fingers while saying "guess we're even then, huh?"

"guess we are." mark replied. haechan pecked his lips once more before laying his head onto the older's chest.

"i love you, mark lee." he whispered.
"i love you too, haechan lee." mark whispered back.

these were the last words spoken that night. while haechan got lulled to sleep by mark's steady heart beat, the older couldn't stop smiling at the thought of haechan being his. because as we all know haechan belongs to mark and mark belongs to haechan.

hi babies!
so this is it, it's been a journey and i would like to thank everyone who decided to follow this story wether you were a silent reader, a voter or one of those who commented (btw to those in the last category a big shoutout, y'all motivated me so much). as i'm writing this, this story has 13k. that's such a huge number so again, a big thank you!!!

while this story is finished, i have already uploaded the intro to my new story '23 guns' which was teased in the newspaper. if you're interested in nct mafia aus, feel free to check it out!

well then, stay healthy, safe and happy! i love you all!

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