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"renjun, i'm home." haechan yelled. he had literally just opened the door to their apartment but a strong smell of food was already flooding through his nostrils.

"i'm in the kitchen." renjun yelled back and haechan entered the mentioned room. there was renjun, standing by the stove.

"how was your day?" haechan asked the younger, peeling off the jacket of his suit.

"it was good. we got a new art piece in the museum today and i like it a lot." renjun told him happily. the man was now filling up his plate while haechan placed another plate for himself on the counter.

"oh, that's nice. when did you get home?" haechan asked the chinese.

"not long ago, i did the dishes and then started cooking already. how was work?" renjun replied as he also filled up haechan's plate before putting the pot back onto the stove.

"it was good but actually i need to ask you something." haechan spoke, gaining renjun's attention. the two were now sitting down at the table.

"what is it?" renjun asked, now obviously curious.

"uhm so, i've been slightly attracted to my boss? and like he was so cold to me at first, i told you but now he has changed. yesterday we had our meeting and i was talking to that one guy my boss apparently doesn't like and ever since then he's nice?" haechan ranted and then took a deep breath to refill his lungs.

"maybe he got jealous and realised how precious you are." renjun suggested in a joking manner. haechan giggled but responded "actually, that is not even that absurd. apparently he knows all my colleagues really well, so maybe he wants to get to know me?"

"could be. i don't know him, bro." renjun shrugged and haechan laughed into his noodles. "i'll keep you updated." he informed the other and renjun nodded and went back to eating.

as always the food was delicious and haechan did not forget to thank renjun for cooking again. it was a blessing to have him as a flatmate even though he could be annoying at times.

the two talked for another few minutes before both going to bed. weirdly enough haechan was excited about tomorrow. he wondered what the new day would bring.

fairly enough, the new day did bring something. boredom. of course, haechan had to work but over the next days there was nothing interesting happening. well, that was until haechan heard yuta mention a party.

"what do you mean by party?" he asked the japanese guy who sat next to him in the cafeteria.

"you don't know him but mark's little brother turned eighteen. his name is jisung, we might've mentioned him sometime. everyone here knows him since sometimes when he would cause trouble at school mark or mark's uncle would bring him here." yuta explained.

haechan connected the dots in his head "so now there's his birthday party?"

"yes, this saturday. it's not a party like in high school or something. more like a fancy dinner. even the lees, so marks and jisungs parents will be present." yuta told him.

"and you're all invited? i wasn't.." haechan trailed off. of course it wasn't really a surprise given that haechan had never met the birthday boy in his life but it still made him feel excluded. yuta seemed to sense haechan's sadness since he stroked the younger's back.

"don't worry, i'm sure we'll find a way to sneak you in. that is if mark isn't going to invite you himself." he said, giving haechan some comfort. the latter tilted his head in confusion "why would he invite me?"

"i think he's growing fond of you. i don't know if you noticed but he became nicer to you. also he's been watching you through the windows in his office." yuta chuckled.

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