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"haechan? haechan, are you there?"
the mentioned man groaned and opened his eyes. he was laying on jisungs couch with renjun, jaemin and mark looking down on him.

the young man sat up and asked "what happened? gosh, my head hurts."

"lay back down, chanie. jisung is getting you some water, you blacked out for about two minutes." renjun informed him.

"what's going on?" another voice called out and all the heads turned to chenle.

mark raised his eyebrows at the boys appearance. he looked at him and sceptically asked "who are you? and what are you doing in jisungs apartment?"

"oh, i'm chenle. i'm jisungs-"

"friend." jisung cut him off, coming from the kitchen. he handed haechan a glass of water which the man gratefully took and drank.

"seems like this chaos was why your brother didn't want us over." akira joked. haechan looked at her. to be honest he had completely forgotten her existence. but now she was bending down to him. "are you alright? this seemed pretty serious." she asked in a concerned voice.

"yeah, i'm good. thank you for asking." haechan replied, smiling at the pretty woman. she smiled back and then stood up again and stood next to mark.

and that was when haechan realised the obvious. she was marks girlfriend. even though mark had introduced her as such, haechan was kind of busy fainting at that moment so one couldn't really blame him.

so that was why mark reacted the way he did when they kissed. but then why did he kiss haechan in first place? akira was not only much prettier and nicer than haechan but also his girlfriend. and if she was marks girlfriend that meant mark had cheated. and suddenly haechan felt guilty, it was obvious akira didn't know the kiss happened or else she would've probably not been so kind to haechan.

"akira and me just came by to check on you, seems like that was quite necessary. dad wants us at the mansion at twelve." mark spoke.

"what's the time anyway?" jeno asked, saying something for the first time. haechan looked at his phone that he still had in his pocket and replied "eleven thirty."

jeno nodded and turned his head to talk to jaemin quietly, probably about getting back to their dorms. jisung took the empty glass as an opportunity to go into the kitchen and take chenle with him. jeno and jaemin followed them but reappeared after a minute or so.

"we're going to go now. haechan if you faint again don't you dare make it a secret. renjun will tell us either way." jaemin noted.

"i will?" renjun questioned with a confused look in his face.

"you will." jaemin smiled at him causing renjun to blush. haechan chuckled at jenos reaction to all this. the mans lips were pouted and one arm was secured around jaemin's waist.

"bye everyone!" he said before the two boy exited the apartment. left behind were akira, mark, renjun and haechan. the latter closed his eyes, trying to ignore the upcoming headache. he should probably have cut it short on alcohol last night.

"don't you have work, jun?" he asked, breaking the silence.

"shit, you're right. i could not go but.. no way, that's really unprofessional. i'll go, see ya." renjun rambled and ruffled haechan's hair at the end.

"see you at home." haechan smiled and then closed his eyes again.

a phone rang and he could hear akiras voice answering it. the language she was speaking wasn't korean but japanese. haechan had gotten used to the language due to hanging around with yuta a lot.

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