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"i still don't understand, why you would accept that!"

"i know, haechan. but it's a family thing and to be honest i like what i'm doing." mark replied to haechan's whines.

"but i'll get to see you way less." haechan pouted.

"who says? do you really think a ceo doesn't need a secretary?" mark asked in response.

the two sat on mark's couch. the elder's parents had left them a few minutes before, obviously still shook up from the events. mark and haechan themselves were still a bit irritated and needed time to process.

much to haechan's disapproval, mark had accepted his new position as the ceo. the younger male wasn't happy about it since it meant a very busy and stressed mark.

"so you will make me your secretary again?" haechan asked, his voice now sounding hopeful.

"if that's what you want, sure." mark responded. haechan smiled happily in response but then thought about all the new work for both of them and frowned again. mark spotted that haechan was still pouting and added "come on, let's just forget about it for now. this is out date night. is there anything you want to do?" haechan thought for a few seconds before suggesting "maybe we could go to the fun fair."

mark nodded eagerly and pulled haechan with him to entrance door. he instructed haechan to wait and then quickly disappeared into his bedroom before returning a minute or two later.

he put on his shoes which haechan had done already and announced "i have a wallet and i'm willing to use it to spoil you."

"you really don't have to." haechan mumbled but mark shushed him with a quick peck. haechan's face started to heat up. he would never get used to mark's sweet actions.

on their way to the fair they talked more about mark's parents and haechan told mark over and over again how proud of mark he was. the younger found out that mark had always been a bit of a struggle for his parents ever since he first gained freedom when coming to korea. apparently mark's grades in university hadn't been good at first and it took a bit of pressure from his parents for him to start studying. his brother jisung meanwhile was even worse thank mark which let him to getting jeno as his teacher.

"yeah, our parents were not so lucky with us." mark concluded as the two entered the fair.

"oh, shut up. you and jisung both turned out perfectly fine. and handsome as well, i gotta give you that." haechan answered with a wink. mark playfully elbowed his side which made haechan fake cry out.

the couple gained stares and the attention of others but they didn't care. it was their date and their fun time and everyone else could fuck off.

they rode a few rollercoasters and haechan quickly took notice that mark couldn't really handle them so he settled for a ferry wheel ride with him. it was a slow and steady ride, much more to mark's liking.

the older male took his time to admire haechan who was busy staring down at the city. his eyes sparkled in excitement, his tan skin got beautifully lit by the setting sun.

"you're so beautiful." mark suddenly blurted out. haechan's cheeks heated up and he gave mark a shy smile.

"you too." he replied and mark side-hugged him. the two were staring down at the beautiful and damn mark wanted to ask haechan so bad. this would be the perfect moment but he just couldn't. today had been too much for him and he knew if he asked the younger now, he would fuck it up. so he didn't say anything and just pecked haechan's cheek who was enjoying himself.

their cabin lowered back down and when they exited mark happily felt the floor back under his feet. haechan laughed at him as he was childishly jumping around, showing off how the floor wasn't moving like the ferris wheel cabin had before.

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