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(a/n: me writing → me receiving an email that i got rejected for my internship → me stop writing :| i really wanna kms)

when haechan came home loud voices welcomed him. jeno and jaemin were over once again but this time with two younger boys, jisung and chenle. this again was very awkward for haechan since jisung was marks younger brother.

to haechans luck jisung seemed to busy fighting chenle in mario kart then paying attention to haechan. the latter turned to renjun who was watching jeno and jaemin bickering with an affectionate look in his eyes.

"so we're foster parents now, huh?" haechan asked half-jokingly. renjun hummed a "hm?", finally looking away from jeno and jaemin.

"why are these kids in our apartment? we aren't foster parents." haechan repeated himself, rolling his eyes at his friend.

"oh! well you know jeno and jaemin they come over whenever and this time they just brough jisung and chenle with them. it was nice because i got to speak a bit of chinese with chenle." haechan nodded in reply and went to his room to change out of the suit that got uncomfortable now.

when he exited only jeno, jisung and chenle were left in the living room. haechan sat next to jeno on the couch.

"where are jun and jaemin?" he asked. jeno cocked his head in direction of the kitchen. his eyes were glued to the tv, watching the battle between chenle and jisung. the two youngest were cursing and yelling at each other and it gave haechan a headache so he decided to go to the kitchen instead.

as he entered the room the delicious smell of fried chicken flooded through his nose. renjun and jaemin were standing at the stove, jaemin hugging renjun from behind and resting his head on the smaller male's shoulder.

haechan cleared his throat to make the two notice him. both men turned around, smiling at him.

"ah, you changed. god i would die if i had to work in a suit all day." renjun noted and haechan chuckled.

"you get used to it quickly." he commented and then peeked between the two at the food. jaemin nodded and informed him "oh, yes. we're basically done, you can call the others."

and so haechan did. they all came together to eat in the living room since their table was for four persons maximum. renjun informed the youngest two that if he found just a tiny bit of sauce on the couch they were no longer welcomed here.

it was a nice dinner and they had many laughs. haechan definitely needed the distraction from the day. after they all had finished eating they talked for a bit before haechan sent them home since the clock was nearing nine and he wanted to get enough sleep.

in the morning renjun had to wake him up once again. the chinese didn't seem to mind. haechan admired renjun's motivation to get out of bed every day. as they were eating breakfast quickly, renjun was humming happily.

"why are you so happy? it's morning and all i want is to go back to bed." haechan commented.

"it's just jaemin- ah, nevermind. you wouldn't understand." renjun chuckled and gave haechan his cup of coffee. haechan looked at him in confusion "wouldn't understand what?" but renjun just shushed him and finished his bowl of cereal.

still confused but slowly waking up, haechan got dressed and washed up in the bathroom. as he changed he blushed a bit at the sight of the hickeys which mark had left on him yesterday.

he told renjun goodbye and went to his car. it was still a bit cold since the sun wasn't up yet so haechan shivered slightly. once in his car he turned on the heater as well as the radio. on the way to work he hummed along to the songs.

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