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Monty arrives with another suit. A suit meant for Jasper, his best friend. I hadn't seen Jasper since Mount Weather but Bellamy had told me how he changed. The boy everyone knew was gone. He decided to die instead of live. 

I put the suit on but still feel a the effects. We drive to the island, taking the boat across. Once there we make our way up to the lab. We walk in, stoping at the railing. Raven looks up as we take our helmets off.

"What are you doing here?" She asks. "There isn't enough time to get back to Polis." 

"We aren't going back to Polis." Bellamy says walking down.

"What do you mean?" She looks at us confused.

"We're going up." I say. Her eyes light up.

"But there isn't enough fuel to get back?" She questions. 

"Sounds like a five year problem." Bellamy smiles. "What do you say?"

"What do I say?...... I say that death wave can kiss my ass." She smiles.

"Good, it's settled then. We're going to the space." I say, a little excited. I have always looked up never imagining something was up there. 

Raven soon tells us what we need to do. We get to work when we have a moment. Bellamy is talking to Octavia while I wait to talk to my mom. Telling her the plan. I walk in to find him putting the radio down.

"Do they have her?" He looks at me, face sad. "Bellamy?"

"I'm sorry. Radio's dead." I take a deep breathe. "You don't get to say goodbye to your mom." Tears fill my eyes. He walks over pulling me into him. I rap my arms around him, holding him tight.

We finally spilt when Raven calls us. She shows the video from Polis. We watch as the fire consumes it and then the screen goes fuzzy. Raven gets to work, telling us we have an hour to get everything done. I find Bellamy looking at the water map. He looks down at the ship.

"Grounders in space." I smile. "Never thought I would say that." He kisses me before putting his hand to my head.

"Still holding on hope for that nightblood solution?"

"There was never any solution." I look at the ship. "A.L.I.E was right about that."

"Our fight is not over." I look at him. 

"My mom had a vision of me dying." 

After I had arrived at the lab my mom told me Raven had a seizure, telling her there was a rocket here. She had one before I injected myself with the nightblood. She saw me die from radiation. That was why she did not want me to be tested. 

"Just like the one Raven had that showed the rocket was here."

"It is not the same thing." He says. 

"They were both EMP'd." 

"And Abby will be fine. Raven told her how to stop it." He says. 

"That's not what i'm talking about." I say looking into his eyes. "If anything happens to me..."

"Nothing is going to happen to you." He walks over to the map.

"Bellamy I need you to listen." I grab his hand. He doesn't look at me for a moment. He finally looks up.

"We've been through a lot. I have left you so many times that I never thought that we would end up together. I know you didn't always like me." He cocks his head, half-smiling. "But no matter what you did and what you have to, was to save your people."


"You've got such a big heart, Bellamy. People follow you. You inspire them because of this." I put my hand over his heart. "But the only way to make sure we survive, is if you use this too." I point to his head. 

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