Chapter 4: Your a what now!?

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It was Friday, and Ned was contemplating Peter. They had not once, ever been to his house, or even talked about his family. Whenever Ned had asked him, he had just diverted the topic to Lego. Maybe his family was poor? That would probably be it. But he had payed for so many things. It was just to suspicious. Ned decided to follow Peter home. He wouldn't mind. Right? Right.
"MJ! I need to talk to you!" Ned called to MJ.
"Yeah? What is it?" MJ replied, turning to face Ned.
"Okay, so Peter is suspicious, you know, with family and such, so I'm gonna follow him home." Ned explained.
"Ok. Seems good. I'll come with you." MJ said, nodding. The bell rang, and they departed to their final lesson of the day. Once they finally got out of school, Ned and MJ said good bye to Peter and watched him walk down the street and around the corner. They followed him in a discreet manner, and saw him get into a car. A nice car. They got into a cab and asked if they could follow that car. They got a strange look, but the driver did end up following the car.
"So." The driver said. "Why are we following this car?"
"Oh, our parents are in that car." MJ said quickly. The driver nodded.
"Understandable. Alrighty, have a nice day." He said, as both cars came to a stop. Ned and MJ got out of the car at Stark Industries and followed him inside. Though they couldn't get past security, they saw what rank his badge was. Alpha 10. They looked at each other. Not a normal intern ranking for sure. They decided to confront him about it on Monday.


Peter was back at school it was Monday, and he'd had a pretty good weekend. He walked into school, and greeted Ned and MJ, who were, to his surprise, looking at him like they knew he was a Stark. Something was wrong.
"Hi guys." Peter said cautiously.
"Hi. Okay, sorry to be so abrupt, but what were you doing at Stark Industries, after school, with an Alpha 10 badge?" Ned asked. Peter froze. Well shit.
"Uhhhhhhhh, I'll tell you after school, okay? Anywhere in private." Peter responded quickly. MJ raised an eyebrow.
"Sure?" She said. They split up for classes.


When school was finally done, Peter, Ned, and MJ went behind the school.
"So. Alpha 10." MJ said.
"ah. Okay so, I've lied to you for the entire time I've known you. My last name isn't Parker." Peter explained.
"What is your last name then?" Ned asked.
"My last name is Stark." Peter said. Silence.
"Your a what!?"

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